#sanji x reader


Oh, Royal Lust Event
nsfw & sfwroyal AU event ~(One Piece & Bleach)

Welcome to the new event guys!

Are you lusting for some Royal content? Ready to fight for the crown with your fave characters? Discover the secrets of the princesses and princes? Maybe break the rules? In the name of love or lust, here we go!

Will open requests in 2 rounds (if there are more requests or you want more). No more than 2 requests for the same character!

First Round ➡ Available Slots: 0/ 7FULL!
Second Round ➡ Available slots: 0/7FULL!


The rules are -as always- the following:
Please be polite! A hello and thanks is enough!
The requests can beNSFW or SFW, please state it in your request.
You can choose different types of monarchy besides the classic European. Such us: Emperor (China, Japan, etc), Sultan, Emir, Pharaoh, any you’d like me to include.
I have a list of prompts you can request from, though is not mandatory! You can send me any idea, or I can choose for you!Include: character (One Piece / Bleach)(no minors please, if you ask for Ichigo, Uryuu, etc please state adult! x as in the last chapters of manga),gender of reader, prompt (if you want) & any further information you would like me to include. if NSFW ➡ You can ask for specific kinks. All kinks are allowed, except non con, incest (blood related), underage.

➡ Request exampleLaw x F! Reader, prompt, NSFW kinks: bondage. 

Some Prompts
(Not mandatory, you can give me another one or I can pick one for you)

  • Arranged marriage
  • Breaking the rules of the royalty
  • Rebellious Prince/Princess
  • Royal’s secrets
  • Masquerade Ball
  • A buffoon for the King/Queen
  • The Prince/Princess of the Enemies’ Kingdom.
  • The Knight who cares for the Prince/Princess.
  • Secret Mission: assassinate the King/Queen/Prince/Princess and falling in love
  • The Prince/Princess needs a partner.
  • But I really want him, not the King.  



if you don’t watch one piece you’re missing out on hot men:

and the best doctor to ever exist:

Just a few adjustments

Don’t forget these hotties!!!


  • He’s a lot. If you get a crush on him, he’s had one on you when his eyes first landed on you
  • Although, having a crush on him is very hard emotionally because of how he treats other people and spoils them
  • He declares his love for you pretty constantly, but that’s with everyone so if you want to be in a committed relationship with him, you’ll have to make the first move. It would have to be a declaration of love or just straight up kissing him
    • This man is so oblivious to people who genuinely fall in love with him so he needs a straightforward “I am in love with you”
  • You’ll have to have a conversation with him on what you’re comfortable with him doing to other people. And patience is needed. He’s been used to acting a certain way for so long to others so if you want him to change his behavior, it takes time and patience
    • You do see he stops himself when it gets too far, but he wouldn’t be the man you fell for if he completely changed who he is
  • His memory is amazing. Your likes, dislikes, birthday, important events, allergies, you name it and he remembers it immediately
  • His love language is all of them. He just loves you and wants to spoil you, whether it be gifts, words, hugs, whatever it is you feel the most loved by, he’ll do it
  • For him, it’s a mix of quality time, physical touch, and words of admiration, things that he didn’t have the pleasure of knowing as a child
    • Let him use your lap as a pillow and play with his hair while telling him how lovely he is, please, he will melt and he deserves it
  • He tries to defend your honor a lot. Like if anyone looks at you way too long or a touch lingers for way too long, he’s already next to you and shooing the person away from you. 
    • Gets violent if the person is persistent and you are really uncomfortable
  • Gets jealous and pouty easily, clinging onto you later when it’s just the two of you. Although it dissipates if you reciprocate his attention or do something that you only do to him in front of the other person
    • Example, if you’re chatting with someone and he’s getting pouty, peck his lips and he’s immediately dazed until your conversation is over
  • The celebrations after battles is usually him cooking for the crowds of people but afterward he is happy to look for you. He never says it out loud but he is very relieved that you make it through every battle. So he holds your hand constantly as you move around the celebration
  • He’s always cooking for you but if you ever turn the tables on him, you’ll probably make him faint
  • Sanji loves you so so much and is not afraid to express it to you, to the chagrin of the crew, but really he feels very blessed that you love him so he has to show it back


You Were Gone

Ship: Sanji x GN!Reader


Warnings: Spoilers for Zou up to the beginning of Wano.

Placement: Starts in Zou, goes into the beginning of Wano. 

Synopsis:After being reunited with Sanji in Wano, he shares a moment with you as an apology. 

Parties. The Strawhats loved throwing them.

You were aware of that fact; or one would hope you’d be after spending a month on the crew. The point was you could sense it in the air when one was going to begin and you didn’t waste time getting out of there before it could start.

Keep reading

One Piece Valentine’s Day Cards masterpostby 4pandas @aspiringtrashpanda and I had collab so many tiOne Piece Valentine’s Day Cards masterpostby 4pandas @aspiringtrashpanda and I had collab so many tiOne Piece Valentine’s Day Cards masterpostby 4pandas @aspiringtrashpanda and I had collab so many tiOne Piece Valentine’s Day Cards masterpostby 4pandas @aspiringtrashpanda and I had collab so many tiOne Piece Valentine’s Day Cards masterpostby 4pandas @aspiringtrashpanda and I had collab so many tiOne Piece Valentine’s Day Cards masterpostby 4pandas @aspiringtrashpanda and I had collab so many ti

One Piece Valentine’s Day Cards masterpost

by 4pandas 

@aspiringtrashpanda and I had collab so many times that we’re calling ourselves 4pandas
This time we wanted to make something cute for valentine’s day with some loveable OP characters, I hope you like the cards and panda’s drabbles for extra love! 

Our commissions are open and you can donate hereandhere to support our work
OR you can simply like/reblog this post, thank you so much! 

Post link
One Piece Valentine’s Day cards 3/6 Vinsmoke Sanjiby 4Pandas You can also read the lovely drabbles t

One Piece Valentine’s Day cards 3/6 Vinsmoke Sanji

by 4Pandas 

You can also read the lovely drabblesthat@aspiringtrashpanda wrote to give you extra love (Give us some love too!)

Post link

Simply desirable

Sanji x chubby! Reader

A/n: im really sorry if this is bad this isn’t proof read and it’s been in my drafts for so long, thank for for the support beautifuls!!

Smut(oral), fluff, angst, this was a request but I can’t find the actual ask, thank you for sending it in though!!

“Oh give it up, you’ve never been with a guy y/n! We can all tell by the way you describe it, probably one of those romantic fantasy books you picked up at our last dock to get off on!” The man breaks out in a hearty chuckle as you wipe off the putrid drink that splashes on you while he convulses with laughter.

“Right! And even if she is telling the truth it probably wasn’t for long!“

“I mean who would even want her! She’s not attractive!”

You stare with resentment as they laugh, sitting wordlessly in this situation you did nothing to bring upon yourself.

“I know I wouldn’t, I personally never understood guys who like things like that! She’s not appealing to me!”

You sit with a pained smile while your “friends” bash the sex life that they asked you about. You have the body of a woman, something that men constantly prove they don’t like as they go for women with impossible anatomy and breakable figures. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not ever seen sexually, they just refuse to see that.

You’d hoped that sanji was different though, he was the only man you could tolerate, seeing as most of them were insufferable, it didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes too.

‘She’s not appealing to me!’ it kept on replaying in your head, as if your brain refused to register that Sanji was a sailor, a scumbag like the others. You didn’t hear any of the others as your head spinned with something that felt like betrayal.

With a half assed reason you excuse yourself and take your drink as you stank on the deck of the ship. You forget why you joined this crew till you see the ocean, the moon looking at it’s reflection as if it knows just how mesmerizing it is on the surface of the water.

Suddenly the backhanded words and shit you get for being a female pirate slip away as you simply admire the view. You look down and see your captain, you’ve always felt bad for him, he practically lives on the ocean but luffy never touches it. You always chalked it up to actions having consequences and this just happened to be his for getting these extraordinary powers.

Your mind went blank as you basked in the breeze before you heard a loud group of men exiting the cabin. Your mouth tasted bitter while you brushed past the taunting group of men.

Sanji watched you walk away with an ache in his gut, a feeling like he drank too much on an empty stomach but he didn’t have to throw up, so he ignored it. After a while he separated from the group and headed down to his quarters.

You being one of the only girls, have your own room demanding it after nami claimed your stuff took up more room than hers.

Sanji happened to be one of the only other people who kept in mind where your room was, everyone else simply didn’t care, and besides, his logic was if he remembers where your room is, his’ll be right across.

You dreaded that fact tonight as tears welled up in your eyes, you shouldn’t be crying, he might see or hear, what if he makes fun of you more? Or tells the rest of the crew? Your mind rushed as anxiety floods all your senses, pulling you into a trance, everything feeling hot and numb at the same time.

You fail to hear footsteps as you try to coerce yourself out of your vulnerable state, the ache in your body causing your hearing and sight to go into an outage.

“Are you crying…?” Your head snapped up, you stare for a while before your sight focuses and your brain processes who’s talking to you. A blond. A blond was in your doorway.

Sanji was there.

“Are you ok? What happened-“ he proceeds to walk into your room with concern, stopping as you shift away from him, refusing to make eye contact with the oblivious man. He sits at the edge of your bed. Unsure of what to say or do.

You always intimidated him, your abilities, the way you light up rooms, how you always put zoro in his place, how quickly you’re able to catch on to learning new things, You simply were an overwhelming presence that he doesn’t know how to handle…. Least that’s what he wants to believe.

“You know, you can lay your head on my shoulder if you want.” You look over at the man, refusing to acknowledge his offer, how doesn’t he care. It was so painfully obvious how fond you were of him, your neighbor used to say ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’ granted at 8 that made no sense, but it always stuck with you. He meant it, he may not have vocalized it before but he meant it.

“You amaze me, you’ve always have, you’re so talented and smart. Y/n I admire you, you may not see it but i do, i always have, ever since i saw you argue with Zoro about a better fighting technique i-“

“Sanji you can stop, I heard enough at the table, you can leave.”

He froze with one thought on his mind, ‘fuck’. He didn’t know what to say, every word caught in his throat as he grasped for the right words. What he said wasn’t right, he knew it and it weighed on his mind for the rest of the night. Your face in the corner of his eye was enough to make him stop drinking for the night, almost completely sober as he approached his room, stopping as he heard sobs and gasps. He hated it, he was horrified as he saw you so…. Broken. Never once did he consider that the strong beautiful woman he saw every day could look so lost.

He did it, he broke you, and he hated himself for it.

You saw him stand up from the corner of your eye, assuming his movements were him proceeding to the door until you see him trying to look you in the eye.

“I’m sorry,” he kneels in front of you, desperately trying to attempt to make eye contact with you. He sets his hands on each of your thighs, trying to pull your attention to him.

“Look at me y/n please..” his voice sounding bare, making every attempt with his vulnerability while also trying not to cross any lines. He liked you so much, he let his time with his friends influence his drunken mind, ignoring the pollution they were bringing into his thoughts. “Please…”

You lift your head, meeting his eyes with hesitation. “It doesn’t mean much, but I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” Sanji unintentionally starts rubbing your things, trying to bring you comfort with his words.

Your mind starts to focus on his touch, the way he unconsciously rubs circles into your thighs, massaging the skin you allowed him to touch, as much as the situation frustrated you, you can’t help but bask in the affection he’s showing you, how intimate this would’ve been under any other circumstances.

Every fiber of your being is screaming at you to not let it go, to be skeptical at how uncharacteristically sweet and patient he’s being. But you know him, how he made a mess of the kitchen in anger while attempting to create a dish you requested the crew try. You had feelings for him, you couldn’t deny it but you knew your worth enough to not put your heart fully in pursuit of something that seemed so… hopeless.

“I like you, a lot. And I’m not going to pretend that what you said wasn’t fucked up, you publicly shat on our friendship and it was so wrong. I have standards, I know my worth and what you did was unacceptable.” He stopped his movements taking in your words before he moved to sit up on his knees, closer between your soft thighs.

“Then let me.”


“Let me meet your standards, let me be the person you like, let me make it up to you Y/N.”

“Sanji that’s not necessary, you can just keep it in mind and move forw-“ “Let. Me”

He gently pushed you back, looming over your plush form, “May I?” He gestured to your pants tugging at the waistband of them. You nod and ogle as he continues to hover with his hand just above your waistline. You grab his hand and place it on your stomach allowing it to splay out on the soft flesh. He pulls away before using that same hand to move your head, allowing your eyes to meet his.

“I need your words beautiful, I can’t move forward without you being perfectly comfortable.” He smiles as he sees the frustration in your eyes, not moving until he gets your full verbal ok. “So?”

“Yes, we can go forward, you can touch me, I want this, I want you.” His eyes darken as he hears your words, putting his hands to work as he refuses to look away from your increasingly flustered state, Relishing in the way you look away as he strips the pants off your lower body.

He stares for a moment resting his head on your inner thigh before he moves to kiss the same spot his head was previously on. His hand traces patterns onto your hip as he leaves marks on your thighs, ignoring your increasingly needy core.

Your impatience grew as he started to hum while kissing your thigh, knowing he was teasing you. You grind your hips up as an attempt for any friction you may happen to receive. He finally stops, moving your underwear to the side as he slides his index finger along your folds. You whimper at the contact, not expecting his rough hands to be so delicate.

He smiles whispering something about how beautiful you are under his breath, his words fall upon deaf ears as he presses onto your clit, stimulating your swollen bud. He presses a kiss onto your pussy, the tent in his pants growing as he tastes you for the first time.

His mind fills with bliss as he continues to lap up your juices, moving your thighs over his shoulders and pressing down on your hips.

“All this for me? This pretty pussy is mine, you’re mine.”

He can die a happy man knowing that he finally got to taste you, that he was the one making you squirm as he built a pattern thrusting his tongue into your hole. He continues his pace as he feels you tug on his hair, your fingers that once fondled his blond locs now gently tug at his hair while he edges you closer to your orgasm.

“Please, I’m so close…” he almost freezes as your words, your voice broken as you plead for him. He moves his hand onto your lower stomach, pressing down gently, testing out something he read in one of the books you bought while on shore. You see stars as he continues his relentless pace, the heat of the room now suffocating as you gasp for air, legs shaking and twitching as he continues.

You have to pry his face from your twitching body before he stands up and reaches for his pants, kissing you and pulling away grinning.

“I wanna hear more of those pretty moans of yours.”

He made sure that you knew how beautiful you are, after all how could a man spend so much time doing something if he didn’t love it?

when they realize it’s too late

w/ luffy, zoro, and sanji

note: i can’t remember who exactly i’ve done for this one lol <33

warnings: implied breakup and reader death, angst

when the sun is setting and the crew is silently watching him sit eagerly on the railing, usopp asks “who are you waiting for?”, and then luffy realizes that he’d been hoping after two years you’d show up- but you’re still with ace.

when he leans against the railing of the ship drunk off his ass, and all he wants is to have you curled into his side pressing kisses on his cheek, but he can’t even remember what your voice sounded like.

when he stand alone in the kitchen at 12:03 am on your birthday, gripping the counter and watching the candles on the cake burn down until wax is running onto the icing like his tears run down his cheeks and he feels a part of him slip away.
