#santiago garcia imagines


Santiago Garcia x Reader

Summary: When the boys found you, you were bound to the wall, ankles and wrists blessing from the cuffs that kept you in that tiny jail, they had a feeling you haven’t even seen the light in a long time. You were scared and you didn’t even speak English.

It was Frankie who found you, he thought he heard a noise in the basement and surely enough, there you were. You were so scared you even threw a bowl and a small vase you found at him.

“We can’t bring her with us. She will slow us down.” said Ben as they all decided to do a small gathering and plan on what to do with you. Ben gave you a bottle of water and a poorly wrapped sandwich. You silently ate everything.

“So, what? You suggest we leave her?” asked Santiago.

“Probably not a good idea, she’ll be dead if someone finds her still here after what we just did.” Will made a good point. Everyone groaned.

“We can bring her to the plane, then we-”

“What we bring her home, Fish?! Are you insane? Stealing money is one thing but bringing an illeagal immigrant into the States is just-”

“I know someone, she will get a name, an identity.” replied Ben. “We can save her.”

“We are not her saviors. We can’t even talk to her, she doesn’t understand English! Can you speak to her? Spanish?” everyone shook their heads. “French” Again, everyone shook their heads. “German?” No. “Then what the fuck should we do?”

“Bring her with us, Benny’s friend will give her IDs and she will live. We killed enough people already.” said Santiago and everyone agreed, even if Tom wasn’t a fan of the idea, he decided to agree.

“We are going to save you.” Santiago said as he knelt down in front of you, offering you a smile.

You didn’t understand a word they were speaking, but you did understand their intentions.

They weren’t there to hurt you, they were there to help. Especially that really handsome one with the beautiful eyes and curly hair, you especially liked him, so you stuck with him. You followed him, watching his movement as he walked, you followed, just as silently.

You watched as they all panicked when you heard shots. You ducked behind a rock, but you couldn’t ignore that you saw an enemy with a gun behind one of the guys, you slowly walked there when no one was watching.

And just as Tom turned, he saw the gun, but the guy was pushed before he could fire and fell, Tom shot the guy before he looked up to see you crouching, he knew you pushed the guy.

“You saved my life,” he said as the others arrived.

You were confused. They all talked to you, saying things but you didn’t understand a thing. They all sat around a fire, talking to each other, laughing and you laughed with them, even if you had no idea what they were talking about.

You suddenly spoke up, saying your first name. And they all looked at you confused. They you said your name again and pointed at yourself.

“Ben.” one of them said.



Okay, easy names, you thought.

"Francisco.” Oh Boy. “But call me Frankie.”

“Santiago.” another longer name.

You nodded and smiled to all of them.

You learned to say all their names. And when you finally got back, well, they got back, you were at a completely strange place.

You did what you knew would work, you stuck with Santiago. And you also knew what the gold ring on some of their fingers meant.

You were a foreigner not stupid.

Your journey with the men was… interesting to say the least.

They all made sure you were safe but Santiago in particular. And who were you to push away such a handsome hero?

“You can live with me while we figure this out, I’m the only one without a wife, girlfriend or kids so I don’t have any explaining to do, but you have to keep a low profile.” Santiago said and he repeated himself in Spanish, but you still didn’t understand a word. Yet, you still nodded, you understood his intentions, you understood that this was his home, typical bachelor’s home.

You were given a room and food. But you didn’t like that. Your room was too quiet, it felt cold like your cell. Even if the bed was the most comfortable you could ever ask for and the room was warm.

You still didn’t feel safe. You were lonely.

You often moved to Santiago’s room, trying to be quiet not to wake him up, you would silently laying down next to him, you felt better there, safer.

The first time he noticed you in his bed was when he woke up with you in his arms, in his sleep he unintentionally moved over to you and cuddled you.

He was concerned but he didn’t mind, he just didn’t want to overstep your boundaries. You were happy to cook for him, happy to watch movies with him, whatever he wanted really.

Days, weeks and months passed. You now had a basic English vocabulary.

“Dinner?” you asked Santiago as he was sitting on the couch.

“I’ll order something, come back the series in starting.”

This was your normal now, but you felt bad, ever since he and his team helped you, you didn’t do anything productive, and cooking doesn’t count. Not in your book at least.

You wanted to work, but with the language barrier, it was extremely difficult.

Later that evening, you were getting ready for bed when his phone started to ring.

It was Tom calling.

“What’s up?” asked Santiago as he answered.

“Pope, hi, how’s things with your new-found wifey?”

Santiago laughed a little.

“Not so bad, she can now talk a lot better, why did you call?”

“I know who she is Pope. She was taken from her village, I have a report. Her village was attacked, they killed everyone, even she is presumed dead. There was fire, gunshots, almost everything you can imagine.”

“That’s awful.”

“Yeah, and I also have some news, since she’s dead, well presumed dead, it will be difficult to get her past immigration, you are lucky I know a lot of people but she will need a new last name. I am filling in her papers and I-“

“I will marry her.”

“Sorry? You don’t need to play the hero Pope. It’s all good I put her down as a random, generic last name, but-“

“It’s not about playing the hero. I want to marry her. She’s perfect.”

Tom smiled on the other end of the line.

“Come over tomorrow, collect her papers, oh, and you better start teaching her fast, No government official will believe that she is American if she doesn’t even speak basic English.”

“Thank you, Tom.”

“I should thank her, she saved my life, this is the least I can do.”

You understood that this was needed. Giving you a new identity was difficult, but not impossible. With the correct connections, you were officially an American citizen.

“Now, you can leave the house.” Said Santiago as he gave you your brand new ID. “Leave the house, look for a house, job or whatever you want. But you can stay with me as well. I like you company you know that.”

“Stay with Santi.” You said “No leave. Stay and help.” It made him smile.

“Marry me.” He said, right there, in front of Tom’s house as you two were walking to the car. You tilted your head.

“Marry?” you thought that was a name.

“Yes, I’m asking you to be my wife.”

Now that word you understood.

“Me? Santi wife?”

“Yes. I love you.” You understood that word as well. And all those days you just thought it was one sided. That he only let you sleep next to him because he was kind.

“I love you too.” You said with a rather shaky voice. But it was the truth. Santiago smiled as he grabbed your jaw and pilled you close to kiss you.

You were so happy, you felt like your chest would burst. You not only were rescued from your prison, you got to know this lovely group of men, and you even found love.

This was the fresh new start you begged for every night in that cold, dirty disgusting cell.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl@liveforkarljacobs​​​​


