

wrote an angsty sanuso almost-first time fic this morning at 6am in my notes app

Usopp to Sanji

Usopp to Sanji

Post link


A black and white sketchy two-panel comic featuring characters from One Piece post-time skip. In the first, Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, and Chopper are gathered around a large campfire in a forest clearing. It's dark and Nami is yawning as she gets ready for bed, saying "Okay, guys, hit the hay. Early trek tomorrow." Zoro is using a katana to slice more firewood while Chopper watches in awe. On the other side of the fire, Usopp is dancing towards Sanji with arms outstretched and a metaphorically flowery disposition. "Heheh, Sanji," he sings, "Spoon with me tonight? ♥" Sanji: "Fuck off. It's too hot" Usopp: "No, come on, I'll protect you from bugs!" Nami: "No P.D.A." A singular blank panel reads "TIME PASSES" in all caps before the final panel, where Sanji and Usopp are spooning in the firelight. Usopp is the little spoon with his head resting on Sanji's bicep in lieu of a pillow, and he thinks to himself, smugly, "I always get what I want."ALT

established relationship sanuso with their canon bickering dynamic bc they’re so comfortable with each other >>>>>>>

Fuck it. I hemmed and hawwed because this is more suggestive than what I normally make but Tumblr can have the full version (two more pages under the cut)

A comic set post-time skip of the Straw Hats gathered around a campfire at night in a forest clearing. Zoro is using his katana to cut firewood while Chopper watches in awe. Nami yawns and stretches, saying "Alright, guys, hit the hay. Early trek tomorrow." Sanji is carrying a bucket in the background while Usopp giggles and fawns over him, saying "Heheh, Sanji, spoon with me tonight ♥" Sanji: "Fuck off, it's too hot." Usopp: "Nooo c'mon, I'll protect you from bugs!" The next panel cuts immediately to Sanji and Usopp spooning on a blanket and a makeshift pillow from Sanji's folded-up jacket. Usopp is using Sanji's bicep as a pillow, his forearm curving up to rest on the top of Usopp's head and his other arm draped over Usopp's shoulder. Usopp rests his hand on Sanji's elbow as he rests his cheek on his arm, smiling with great self-satisfaction as he thinks "I always get what I want." He nudges his butt against where they meet Sanji's hips. Sanji, still sleepy and with a resting scowl, thinks "nice", but doesn't otherwise react. After a pause, Usopp grinds more deliberately against Sanji's crotch, at which Sanji's eyes snap open.ALT
Sanji lifts his head slightly to whisper to Usopp, "Quit it. You tryin' to get me in trouble?" Usopp pauses again, lit only by the campfire, before rolling over just enough to meet Sanji's eye. "Maybe," he whispers back, smiling as Sanji's scowl drops for wide-eyed surprise. Sanji rolls half over onto his back to crane his head over his shoulder so that he can check behind him. Nami is wrapped up in a blanket, soundly asleep. Robin sits within Franky's enormous embrace, and Brook, in a sleep mask and blanket, is propped against his other side, all of them snoozing. Sanji cranes to look in the other direction to check on Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper, who are also all asleep, tangled in a pile as they snore.ALT
Sanji rolls back to look at Usopp, who is still smiling at him with a knowing and somewhat expectant expression. Sanji's brow is raised and his lips parted, with a slight flush to his cheeks. His hand attached to the bicep Usopp is resting on hovers over them both, considering. With a heavy look, Sanji rolls back over to grind his forehead against Usopp's as he lowers that hand to clamp firmly over Usopp's mouth, who gazes back at him imploringly.ALT
A black and white sketchy two-panel comic featuring characters from One Piece post-time skip. In the first, Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, and Chopper are gathered around a large campfire in a forest clearing. It's dark and Nami is yawning as she gets ready for bed, saying "Okay, guys, hit the hay. Early trek tomorrow." Zoro is using a katana to slice more firewood while Chopper watches in awe. On the other side of the fire, Usopp is dancing towards Sanji with arms outstretched and a metaphorically flowery disposition. "Heheh, Sanji," he sings, "Spoon with me tonight? ♥" Sanji: "Fuck off. It's too hot" Usopp: "No, come on, I'll protect you from bugs!" Nami: "No P.D.A." A singular blank panel reads "TIME PASSES" in all caps before the final panel, where Sanji and Usopp are spooning in the firelight. Usopp is the little spoon with his head resting on Sanji's bicep in lieu of a pillow, and he thinks to himself, smugly, "I always get what I want."ALT

established relationship sanuso with their canon bickering dynamic bc they’re so comfortable with each other >>>>>>>

some sad things and ideas


Two guys about to kick ass

and maybe kiss later

i return with gay pirates but not the ones you’d expect
