#sarah beth durst


Happy Book Birthday to Race the Sands!

This was a very enjoyable, standalone fantasy read very similar to Maggie Stiefvater’s Scorpio Races. But where the plot was driven solely by romance between the riders, the water horses and the legendary race in Scorpio Races, Race the Sands also focuses on relationships. Relationships between mother and daughter, trainer and trainee, and competitors.

I loved our MCs, Tamra and Raia. Tamra’s character is usually played by a surely and cantankerous male so it was refreshing to see a confident and capable female. As a rider herself, Tamra understands the risks involved with the kehok races and trains her pupils not to bond with their charges. The kehok themselves are monsters that would do Doctor Moreau proud—from lion and lizard combinations, rhino and jaguar, to horse and jackal monstrosities. These monsters are the rebirth of the “darkest, most evil souls” of Becar which in and of itself is an interesting view on reincarnation.

Intertwined with the races is a conspiracy against the royal family. Tamra and Raia are thrown into the center of this and must race (pun intended) to find a solution before the new emperor’s coronation. Raia must rely on help from secondary character like the cunning Lady Evara, Prince Dar, and of course,  Tamra to save the day.

This story has a little bit of everything - action, mystery, hints of a budding romance. I thoroughly enjoyed Race the Sands and the beautiful world of Becar and would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of Scorpio Races, An Ember in the Ashes, Hidalgo, and more.

I received a digital ARC courtesy of Edelweiss and the publisher, Harper Voyager, in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!


