#sarah stumpf

bisexual-books:Watch out SDCC - THE BISEXUALS ARE COMING!! I’m honored to join a cadre of fabulous



I’m honored to join a cadre of fabulous bi activists, critics, and content creators at San Diego Comic Con for  Bisexuality and Beyond: New Frontiers in Popular Culture – a SDCC panel that highlights the B in LGBT pop culture!

From movies to television to comics to YouTube, beloved characters have emerged whose lives and loves place them outside traditional notions of straight and gay. What does this burgeoning representation mean for the bi, pan, fluid, queer (bi+) community? Are the lives of bi people and the discrimination they face represented in popular science fiction, fantasy, and superhero genres? What’s life like for bisexual creators in popular media? 

Join Prism Comics, the BiNet USA BiStories Project, and moderator Faith Cheltenham (BiNet USA) for a lively discussion of these and other issues with panelists R. J. Aguiar (YouTube’s “TheNotAdam,” NotAdamAndSteve), Tara Madison Avery (Gooch, Anything That Loves), Marissa Lee (Racebending.com),Steve Orlando (Midnighter, Batman & Robin Eternal), Bob Schreck (Legendary Comics), and Sarah Stumpf (BisexualBooks.com).

The panel is supported by the Bi Stories Project, which collects stories of the lives and challenges faced by bisexual people.  Share your story at http://www.binetusa.org/bistories.  

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