#sarc plays star wars games


In between all the insanity going around right now I’m trying to find a little time to just do stupid things so I thought I’d make a lil list ranking the companions from the core SWTOR game storyline. I love a lot of the later companions but I’m also stuck in the expansions so I’ll never meet some of the others that you get later on, so I just stuck with the original ones (and I mean what kind of a frothing gay would I be if I didn’t love Theran anyway lbr. But yeah expansion companions not included, this thing was long enough already.) Anyway.

Sarc’s Top Ten Favourite Core Game Companions

  1. Lord Scourge - I kinda thought this one was obvious but hhhhhhhh yes I am just as thirsty for that ruby-red hunk of manflesh as my Jedi Knight. I love him. He’s complicated and thoughtful and I love the intimate conversations that he has with the Knight. mm. So good. …Also him big. Him real big and meaty and I could just. Sink my teeth RIGHT into that. Nnngh.
  2. Khem Val - I AM A THIRSTY BITCH OKAY. I love me some giant violent monster men. Them TEETH and CLAWS and MUSCLES so naturally my Inquisitor is ALSO thirsty for him too because SELF-INSERT HERE WE COME YEEHAW. And I love his classic shift from “I HATE YOU” to “I’m the only one who can kill you” to “it’s not like I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING” to “I WILL FUCK UP ANYONE WHO TRIES TO HURT YOU”. I love love LOVE the trope of a scary dude who only has eyes for one person and one person only.
  3. Malavai Quinn - Did I. Did I mention that I’m thirsty. Because Quinn hits allllllll my other buttons on the other side of the spectrum. I want to make him flustered and stutter. I want to watch him get progressively more and more awkward until he just comes completely undone. I want to bend him over the ship’s console and make him watch himself squirm and pant in the reflection of the glass. God when he got on his knees I got fucking sprung, y’all. Hggggggh.
  4. Vette - OKAY REEL IT IN SARC, I’M NOT HORNY FOR EVERY COMPANION. Case in point. I love Vette. I love her snark, I love her approach to life in general, her ethics, her tenacity and zest for life, and her joyful and irreverent willingness to thumb her nose at authority. I love how honest about being dishonest she is. I get serious Ride-or-Die Bonnie-and-Clyde vibes from her and the Sith Warrior and I can’t get enough of it.
  5. Gault Rennow - I LOVE HOW BEGRUDGING HE IS. I love how honest he is about being a sleazebag. And yet he has these occasional moments when you go “hey you know what? you’re all right.” His heart is far from being in the right place, but if it was I wouldn’t love him nearly as much as I do. I love this asshole. I love how unwillingly he goes along with whatever is going on, yet somehow manages to worm his way to the forefront regardless. That and he be cute as fuck.
  6. Tanno Vik - My love for honest assholes should be apparent by now lol. Vik is a bastard but every now and again there’s a spot where he makes me go “awww”. Also it doesn’t hurt that he’s hot hot HOT as if y’all didn’t see that coming a mile away XD him BIG I like the big boys. Or he might just be big in relation to my Republic Trooper, I honestly don’t know and don’t care, I’m love.
  7. Mako - SHE IS JUST SO CUTE OKAY. I wanted to adopt her within like three hours of meeting her. She has such an interesting and heartbreaking storyline and I just wanted to give her a good home and make her hot chocolate and watch her play videogames on the holonet and whoopsie did you just break into classified information again oh well I’ll help cover that up there you go babygirl I’m so proud of you you’re doing amazing sweetie. Aaaaaaaaaah
  8. Blizz - THIS CUTIE OH NO. I keep clicking on him just so he’ll talk more, I could listen to him chatter all day long. He’s SO ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT EVERYTHING. The confidence levels on this little fucker! If I could harness half his energy I could power a small sun I stg. My Bounty Hunter bends over backwards for him even though she’s supposed to be a real no-nonsense hardass. I just. I’m. X3
  9. Talos Drellik - Swinging RIGHT back into thirsty territory lololol. Talos took a bit to grow on me, mostly because I was kiiiiiinda distracted by Big Boy Khem, but it didn’t take too long before I realized how awkwardly cute this little twink really was. His interests and passions dovetail RIGHT along my own, so whenever he was enthusiastic about something I was right there with him XD I love how socially bumbling he is, and he’s sweet and genuine and just really true to himself. Also VERY cute. I love his prissy little voice and his accent. I want to back him into a wall and force eye contact so I can see how hard he can stammer and blush. hhhhhhhhh.
  10. Elara Dorne - I’M LOVE. She’s amazing. Such a strong-willed, honest-to-the-core, rock-steady, awesome character. Her ethical grounding is something I really wish we saw more of in Republic soldiers, which is also funny to me considering she’s originally Imperial. The accennnnnttttt. I wanted SO BAD to romance her and I was so fucking pissed when I found out that yet again I can’t because swtor’s Like That. She’s honestly one of the best things about the Trooper arc. aaaaaahhh

Others I like

  • Qyzen-Fess - Delightful scaly boy. I’m love.
  • Andronikos Revel - hnnnnnnghhh. God. Just. Mm. Yes. <3
  • Vector Hyllus - Sweet precious buggy boy. A++ would bugger again.
  • T7-01- The Cutest Robot In The Game. Hands Down.
  • Akaavi Spar - Socially awkward Mando girl ftw. I love her so much.
  • Yuun- Another sweet buggy boy!
  • Zenith- He’s… hot. Mostly hot. Kinda scary sometimes but… hot….
  • Corso Riggs - Oh Corso. Bless his heart. Bless his sugarbritches. His heart is in the right place but oh sweet child. Also that boy be cute as fuuuuuuck.

Neutral/No Opinion

  • Xalek
  • Torian Cadera
  • Bowdaar
  • Aric Jorgan
  • Nadia Grell
  • Raina Temple
  • Felix Iresso
  • Ashara Zavros
  • Risha

Somewhat Annoying

  • Doc
  • Lieutenant Pierce
  • Fideltin Rusk
  • Broonmark
  • Eckard Lokin
  • Guss Tuno

Hell No

  • Tharan Cedrax (gross boy.)
  • Jaesa Willsaam (disclaimer: I only have experience with DS Jaesa - I didn’t even know she came in LS flavour until I was poking around in the wiki. Maybe my opinion would change if I knew LS Jaesa but whatever)
  • Kira Carsen (SCARY)
  • M1-4X (ALSO SCARY)
  • Kaliyo D'jannis (I hate everything about her she’s gross she’s horrible she has no redeeming qualities just ugh ugh ugh)
  • Skadge (copypaste I hate everything about him he’s gross he’s horrible he has no redeeming qualities just ugh ugh ugh)

I don’t care what’s “official”, Darth Marr is a Sith Pureblood underneath that mask, fight me
