#satanic groups





Satanism is one of those things that I think sounds really cool but the execution certainly does leave a lot to be desired

It doesn’t help that every time I look into a stanist group they are always antisemitic…

Oi,@queersatanic, do you know of any organized groups that are actually, like, good?

Uh, define “good”?

That’s not really fair. Look, we’ve had good experiences with Capital Area Satanists who seem to focus on antiracism/antifascism rather than just anti-clericism.

Hail Arizona is another regional group that seems to be doing good, practical community things and even puts out a zine.Global Order of Satan over in Europe has Six Pillars instead of Seven Tenets and is unlikely to sue you over using them as a framework.

But without being deeply enmeshed in those groups, we can’t tell you what the actual internal dynamics are, right?

Our standing advice will be that you should look around, take good ideas and discard the bad ones, and build your own group doing what you want to do. As much shit as we have for Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan, it’s not especially active these days, and individual LaVeyan Satanists can be delightful people who do worthwhile projects.

In terms of online Satanic groups, just be alert to the red flags of hierarchy and exploitation.

Remember “I have never been abused by X person or Y group” is a baseline that most people dealing with an abuser are able to say, which is why us saying that can only ever mean so much.

But no, they’re not all antisemitic. That’s just a very, very low bar many are not able to clear, and even those that do may have other issues. That is, notably, true of any sort of group.
