

Character: Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Reader

A/N: This is a drabble written for @what-just-happened-bro‘s  #SatansFic-Off . Challenged by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork

Word Count: 478

Summary: You’ve known him for so long, but now you want more.


“You know we can’t be together, but standing here, staring into your eyes, I just can’t help myself imagining what it would be like, to be yours.” You look into Chris’s blue eyes and feel yourself drowning in their depths. The world around you fades away and you forget everything but the man standing in front of you. He looks into your eyes and it feels like he can see into your soul. 

“For this one moment, let us be selfish. The world will still be there when we return.” You feel his muscled arm wrap gently around your waist as he pulls you closer. His other hand caresses your cheek as he closes his eyes and leans down to your height. You close your own eyes and lean your head up so your lips touch. Your arms wind around him willing this moment to last forever, but as with most good things, it ends all too soon. You pull away from each other and you hear the roar of applause. You face the crowd, take Chris’s hand and bow together. 

“That was your best performance yet! It felt so real.” You hear a voice as you and Chris walk off stage. “Are you guys in love? Did you get together without telling me?” He teases.

“Shut up Pratt.” You laugh as you continue walking. He is right though; tonight looked and felt real. You had known Chris Hemsworth since you were little kids.

Your mom had taken you to a local park to play while your dad was having an important business meeting. You ran straight for the sandbox and started building a castle. It looked more like a mound of sand than anything else, but you were proud of it. Your finishing touch was a leaf on top serving as a flag. You leaned back to admire your work and a foot came crashing down, flattening your castle. You looked up and through the tears forming in your eyes, you saw a boy walking by. When you started crying, he turned and looked down at you. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. 

“You smooshed my castle.” He looked down and saw what remained of your little pile. 

“I’m sorry.” He sat down next to you. “I’ll help you fix it.” The rest of the afternoon, you worked to rebuild the castle together and you had been friends ever since.

After high school, you started to realize you had a crush on him, but you never said anything. He treated you like a little sister. You guys were best friends and you never wanted to lose that. 

You shake your head and see the Chrises hi-five.

“Did you have fun on your daydream vacation?” Pratt asks laughing. You roll your eyes at him.

“Let’s go get pizza to celebrate an awesome show.”
