

Naruto : hey sauske

Sauske: what you want you loser?

Naruto: I just wanna say( punch him into a tree) YOUR A BITCH ASS EMO FREAK STOP ACTING SO HARD!

sauske: ugh you little punk!

Naruto: alright see ya sauske(runs off)

Sauske: (in pain ) What’s his problem?

Riku: he’s the message from fans who hates your character and one of them called you a emo freak

Sauske: who the hell are you ?

Riku: oh I have the same character as you expect I am more loveable and have better brotherhood relationship with my best friend(walks away )

Sauske: ugh ( put his head down in shame.

just got done watching the later episodes Sauske piss me off with his bullshit.
