#saw the tags



OR to be more accurate, MC sexts Mitsunari because she is bored. XD


Mitsunari looked so bored sitting at the front desk.

You watched him with a mischievous grin on your face.

The library was empty after all, and that meant you could act up.

You reached for your phone, sliding up your skirt to reveal the flesh of your inner thigh and the mottled remains of a fading lovebite.

You hummed to yourself as you snapped the picture, nice enough to include a caption.

Want a taste?

 You giggled to yourself as you typed it out, hitting send, leaning back in your seat to watch his reaction.

He frowned, reaching for his phone. You had the perfect visual, his eyes widening, a flare of a blush on his cheeks. He looked over at you, accusation on his face.

You only smiled, staring at the book on the table.

Vile succubus.

The words flashed on the screen of your phone, but it only make your wicked desires flair.

That wasn’t what you were saying yesterday, when my mouth was on your…

You stifled a laugh, clicking the eggplant emoji before hitting send.

He coughed, a choked noise, the red on his cheeks even brighter now. He held his phone in his hands for a long moment, before shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

I can fix that.

You followed quickly, a pointed look in his direction as he read the message. He looked away.

Oh, come now, please, just tell me you want it. I’ll be a good girl for you, quiet under the desk, no one has to know that I’ve got my wet, hot mouth around your cock.


The sound that left his throat was something between a gasp and a groan, and you smirked.

What vulgar nonsense.

“Hmmm.” You leaned back against the chair, giving it a moment.

A shame you feel that way, since I was hoping you could have me up against the desk, so that if someone walked in, all they’d hear was me begging for you.

A girl can dream. Guess I’ll just have to figure out ways to…entertain myself till I get off.

You sent it with a snicker, following up quickly.

*I meant you, when you get off work.

He slammed his book shut, an indignant huff coming from his lips as he called your name. 

You rose to your feet, knowing you had won.

He was really, so easy to tease.
