#sbi drabble


requested by anon “Can you do a Modern!SBI x Girl Reader where Technoblade and Wilbur are showing Tommy how to flirt and they somehow rope the Reader in?”

summary (she/her) when tommy reveals to his brothers that he likes a girl in one of his classes, they call you over to help teach him how to flirt. but you didn’t expect that you would be the one they would flirt with..

warning swearing, maybe some suggestive content?, terrible flirting, sibling banter


gif cred belongs to @tynntynn

“this is the worst thing you guys have ever called me over for,” you spoke blandly, arms crossed tiredly over your chest as you stood in the sbi kitchen. but the three boys were serious in their intentions.

phil was out of town for business, and it showed in his sons. wilbur and tommy were obviously running on very little sleep, the kitchen faintly smelled of an attempt at cooking gone wrong, and the empty cans of energy drinks and soda spilling over the recycling bin were definitely not something their father would normally allow. and now they had called you until you awoke from your sleep, insisting they needed you for an urgent “lesson”.

the two older sbi brothers were trying to teach tommy how to flirt.

“we’ve done worse,” wilbur only offered to your unamused words.

you gave him a look before turning to the blonde, who sat with a stubborn blush on his face at the kitchen table. “who’s the girl, tommy?”

“she’s in my chemistry class,” he grumbled. “but i don’t need help flirting! im doing just fine on my own!”

“if you were doing that well, you’d have a date,” wilbur retorted with a teasing smirk. “so sit back and watch how it’s done.” he turned to you and your eyes widened.

“im the test subject?” you scoffed, though you couldn’t deny the blush that creeped up your neck at the thoughts swirling through your mind. “that’s bullshit!”

“you’re a female,” wilbur shrugged.

“techno has long hair, just use him!” you retorted, waving to the quiet brother standing off to the side.

“please don’t,” the pink-haired man offered. you frowned.

“please,” wilbur begged, ducking his head to look at you with pouting eyes. “we’ll buy you breakfast.”

you sighed, now aware of the grumbling stomach you had ignored since you answered their call that morning. you turned away from his expectant gaze. “fine.”

he silently cheered before composing himself. “okay, pretend you’re doing chemistry things.” you rolled your eyes before turning, faking like you were moving things around with your hands. wilbur strutted up to you, catching your attention by speaking, “hey, morning.”

you gave him an exaggerated smile that made techno snort. “morning.”

“you’ve got something..” you gave wilbur a skeptical look as he dipped closer to you, enough so that you could nearly feel the breath emitting from his parted lips as his thumb drew up to swipe at the corner of your lips. your heart hammered in your chest, your dramatic smile falling as you gazed into his brown eyes that focused intently on your soft skin. then he moved away from you, leaving you slightly colder than before and definitely surprised. “got it.”

you blinked in surprise and wilbur looked over at tommy with a confident smirk.

“okay, minor problem with your touching method,” tommy spoke. “i haven’t talked to her.”

“like, at all?” techno questioned, straightening from his leaning position on the wall. you all looked to the blonde curiously as his pale skin flushed again.

“she asked me for a pencil the other day..,” tommy started. “and i said thank you..” you began to laugh, but quickly morphed it into an unconvincing cough when tommy glared at you.

“right, not funny.”

“well, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other physical means of flirting you can’t try,” wilbur offered his blushing brother. 

“yeah, a little goes a long way,” you tagged on, nodding. wilbur smiled appreciatively at you. “the next time she asks for a pencil, instead of saying something stupid, just shut your mouth and try to maybe brush your hand with hers.” tommy cringed. “yeah, it’s a cliché, but it gets you thinking sometimes.”

tommy sighed, “alright. i just got to remember to keep my mouth shut, then.”


tommy nodded to himself before turning to the silent brother in the corner. “what about you, technoblade? any physical flirting advice?”

the older man shrugged. “i usually only go for bolder moves.”

“oh, i wanna see this,” wilbur grinned. he nudged you forward and you were immediately filled with confusion. “technoblade, she’s all yours.”

“what?!” you exclaimed, jaw dropping at his words. “im not an object for your amusement!” wilbur just snickered as he moved next to tommy, though you genuinely did feel embarrassed by his offering you up.

technoblade had stepped in front of you before you knew it. you were about to bite something at him about being just as bad as his twin, when he spoke, “i won’t do anything if you don’t want me to.” you closed your mouth immediately, a little surprised. “consent is just as important as anything else.” his vermillion eyes glanced to his younger brother. “take notes.” then he looked back down to you patiently, and you felt warmth creep to your cheeks. “may i?”

you could practically feel wilbur roll his eyes, but you thought the gesture was more sweet than anything else. definitely more romantic than any flirting in store this morning, at least. “you may.”

“alright,” he hummed, bringing his hands up to present to you. “do this.” he locked his hands together, fingers intertwined. you mimicked his actions, bringing your own hands in front of your chest. “now do this.” he opened one of his hands, fingers now straight again, and you mirrored. then techno disconnected his hands, his larger hand coming to grasp at yours. his fingers fell over your clasped ones and swiftly brought your hands over your head, pressing you to the wall behind you before you could register what was happening.

you swore your heart stopped as your wide eyes met technoblade’s serious, vermillion gaze. you gasped, your breath catching in your lungs as technoblade’s knee came to rest between your legs. and despite his body pinning yours to the kitchen wall, he somehow managed to keep a respectful distance between the two of you. your mind swirled with a thousand thoughts, as tommy laughed hysterically at your dropped jaw and the smug look technoblade turned to offer him.

then technoblade moved away, and your hands fell back to your sides. you didn’t even realize that wilbur’s lips were now drawn into a thin, unamused line. tommy’s laughter began to settle.

“okay..,” you hummed, clearing your throat and placing your cold hands to your heated cheeks. technoblade began to chuckle along with his brother. “.. don’t do that until after you talk to her.” techno let out a louder laugh and you watched with a flustered smile. “have you ever done that to anyone before?”

he shook his head, giving you a charming smirk. “only you.”

“god,” you breathed, fanning yourself in the slightest. “im..” you nearly said lucky. “special.”

“that’s a genius move, techno, but im not ready for it,” tommy spoke, shaking his head.

“yeah, obviously,” technoblade nodded with understanding. his eyes turned to you again. “i just wanted to do that.”

your formerly calming fluster arose again, your heart picking up pace as your eyes widened at him. tommy laughed as wilbur rolled his eyes. “i..” you brought your hands to your cheeks again. “how is a girl supposed to feel?”

before technoblade could teasingly answer your question, wilbur finally cut in, his voice a little louder than before, “so if we don’t want to go by physical means, then we just need good, old fashioned flirting.” tommy nodded. “compliments are a good start.”

“yeah,” you agreed with a sigh, still trying to push down the flush you felt creeping up your neck at just the thought of technoblade’s words and actions. “even if it’s just little things; telling her that her hair looks good, her outfit’s nice, that her eyes are a pretty color..”

“girls like that?” tommy questioned, looking over at you for confirmation.

you nodded. “’course. we all love a good compliment. and girls don’t get them that often, so we remember it when we do.” 

“they don’t get compliments often?” tommy repeated to you, furrowing his brow.

you shook your head. “no, not really. we’ve reverted back to preschool, where complimenting a girl is embarrassing. simp culture.” tommy nodded guiltily. “so don’t be too “embarrassed” to tell a girl she’s pretty. it’s ridiculous.”

tommy nodded again. “see, this is good advice!” he turned to his brothers. “you two just gave me bullshit.”

“we tried,” technoblade shrugged.

“you didn’t do shit!” wilbur accused, making you and tommy laugh as he turned to his brother. “all you did was pin y/n against a wall and stand in the corner.”

the pink haired man just shrugged again. “i regret nothing.” his gaze swept over you for a moment and you could’ve fainted from the sudden burst of heat in your chest.

“can we have breakfast now, please?” tommy grinned.

“please,” you emphasized, eyes wide at the opportunity. “my efforts were great, i let you two harass me, i deserve a meal.” you brought your hands together with dramatically pleading eyes.

wilbur chuckled at you, wrapping a tight arm around your shoulders. you smiled at the warmth he enveloped you with. “yes, we’ll buy you some mcdonald’s.”

“i’ll drive!” tommy exclaimed, hopping up at once to snatch his brother’s keys. “im not bad at it!” his brothers shrugged at him and he cheered, racing out to the car.

you followed the blonde quickly, peeling yourself from wilbur’s warmth reluctantly. “how long have you had your license, tommy..?”

the final two boys in the house immediately turned to each other, glaring unabashedly. the air of competition was still thick in the kitchen, now less hidden with your presence gone.

“dibs on whatever seat is next to y/n,” wilbur spoke with a smirk.

“not if i get there first.”
