#scarily accurate



i took this decent personality test. (on personalitydna.com). i like how the questions were structured with graphs and how many possible results there are. i got “free-wheeling inventor” and my brother got “reserved leader.” both were quite true and the advice at the end is advice we often do tell each other … so ! feel free to tag this with what you got if taking





My friend told me I had to publish the drunk uquiz I made so here ya go: I assign you a uni major based on vibes

Hey op how tf did u assign me my actual major out of literally everything there is. I’m scared of you

Hey op that’s fucking terrifying.

how did you manage to get my original life plan?

i originally wanted to go into education but changed course to journalism because i feel like that better facilitates a writing career, op what the fuck?? are you telling me i should have gone into teaching the whole time

Wtf OP what sorcery is this?!
