#scars tw


» The monster I’ve become.

Pose by SamsSims, effects are Raycast and PostMovie.

Some Forzen brainrot doodles

Bonus (the prelude to the scars):

infernallegaycy: maagato:marigolds, grief(im not dead, ive just been listening to critrole which is



marigolds, grief
(im not dead, ive just been listening to critrole which is more or less the same thing)

[id: a painted bust illustration of molly. he is a thin tiefling with scarred purple skin, wavy neck-length dark purple hair, & ram’s horns. he is holding up a marigold by the base of the petals, tilting it closer to his face as he leans serenely forward with his eyes shut. petals are drifting downward. /end id.]

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