#schaft fan story


My friend invited me out to have dinner at a place she thought I would like. I brought along my mom. Maybe that’s weird but the first time I met my friend, we were in high school so she’s met my mom before. Plus, my mom is an extrovert so she kept the conversation flowing, sometimes in strange ways. The place we went to had Schaft autographs on the wall. Later did I realize my photo was blurry. Always check your photos before you leave.


Damn, Schaft. I have never seen them. I really want to see them. I will never get to see them. Right after The Mortal was announced, Schaft’s return was announced and I knew I wouldn’t be able to come back so quickly to see Schaft. C’est la vie.

There were also some bottles decorated by U-ta. He drew female versions of Serious Bear. You can tell it’s him because the bottle on the right has Shiriko written above, where the ko kanji denotes a girl’s name. Both bears have the letter Hi written on them, which is for Higuchi. Serious Bear always has that Hi. That’s how you can quickly tell that it’s not Rilakkuma. My friend once was here when U-ta was here but she was too scared to say hi to him. 


At some point my mom used the restroom and came out saying there was a poster in there with a phrase (I can’t remember the phrase) and she was really impressed, talking about how profound it is. Then my friend uses the restroom and comes back to tell me it’s a Kishidan poster. She was laughing her ass off, asking me if I know that they’re not a serious band. Yes, I know. Let my mom think she just read some great philosophy.
