


making scheherezade a servant, and then choosing to make her biggest character trait her fear of death, disregarding the fact that the very first thing she did in arabian nights was pull maybe literature’s first ever Katniss Everdeen, and volunteered to marry the king instead of her sister, an extremely selfless, and extremely dangerous thing to do

then because of that fear of death trait, you derail the entire story of arabian nights, so that it’s no longer about a brilliant and courageous woman standing up to a ruthless king, but instead just a fucking cowardly girl trying to survive, and nothing more. 

I mean fuck, dude, do you even know a fucking thing about the actual plot of arabian nights or did you just hop on the wikipedia page for mythological l storytellers and picked out the first one that you thought people wouldn’t know, so you could take any fucking creative liberties you wanted? I’m guessing the fact that when Scheherezade was out of stories to tell, Shahryar just HAPPENED to become a better person and decided not to kill anyone on his own? cuz fuck, all Scheherezade ever wanted to do was not die! she couldn’t fucking do anything good or heroic or selfless, right?? god Fuck you. Fuck every writer who put their gruesome societal reject mitts on Agartha, fucking ruining one of the best characters of folktales, WHICH TO A LOT OF PEOPLE WAS THEIR FIRST EXPOSURE TO THE ACTUAL STORY OF ARABIAN NIGHTS, SO A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GONNA THINK THAT’S JUST HOW SCHEHEREZADE IS!!

Did you realize your actions had consequences you dumb shit???? Did you realize that when you were in charge of writing a story for Fate/Grand Order, a game with millions of downloads, and a gigantic player base, that you were subjecting all of its players to your gross mischaracterizations of existing characters, even grosser misrepresentations of new characters, and every fucking fetish that you fucking tossed in just to keep it exciting!? No, of fucking course you didn’t, because if you did, you’d have spent even ten seconds researching the main antagonist of the chapter, or maybe even, i dunno if this is too radical for you, but making even a single sentence in the chapter Actually Good Writing??? God Fuck you, you goddamn piece of shit. If i ever meet the fuckhead responsible for this shit show, i will personally make sure they never write another fucking word for the rest of their life.
