


“A friend indeed.”

Drawing of Richard and Schneider, inspired on this beautiful picture Richard posted on his Instagram. They’re so beautiful <3

Some Schneider/Richard pictures for you all ♡

(is it called Schneesh? )

Now that I have your attention, is there anyone who has/had a Rammstein LIFADmembership? I have an important question. It is pretty hard to find LIFAD members in France ♡

Frau Schneider is Lola Nizard

Photographer is DarkGothique Photo

|| Bück Dich ||

(aka the walk of shame)

I think Frau Schneider is enjoying it a bit too much, isn’t she?

Anyway it was fun, very fun. And next month, she will cosplay my baby Paulchen ♡ (and yes, we are currently learning how to play Ausländer on electric guitars)
