#schnieder boots

“At one moment the shapely foot of a young beauty stretched out of a carriage, the next there was a

“At one moment the shapely foot of a young beauty stretched out of a carriage, the next there was a rattling jackboot, and then a striped stocking and diplomatic shoe.“

–Alexander Pushkin, “The Queen of Spades,” translated by Carl Proffer.

Just cuz you needed a horny jackboot photo on your feed, this is from a member of the Household Calvary.

What is a jackboot?

“The term originally denoted tall winged leather cavalry boots, which had been "jacked”, or reinforced against sword blows by use of mail (armor) sewn into the lining of the leather.[2] The wings on these high boots particularly protected a rider’s knee-joint from a sword blow. These boots are still worn and still so termed by the Household Cavalry Regiment of the British Army, founded in the 17th century. The term originates from the French word Jaque (m) meaning mail. The term is of Catalan origin, descended from the Arabic schakk.[3] These boots were made very heavy by the mail reinforcement, and are slightly less so today from the use of modern materials as stiffeners. There are few manufacturers of Cavalry Jackboots extant in the 21st century, the most famous being Schnieder Boots[4](pronouncedSchneeder) of Mayfair, London, the official supplier to Her Majesty the Queen’s Household Cavalry.” https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Jackboot

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