
Observation, an older piece form the Cosmic Perspective series. Science is more than a body of knowl

Observation, an older piece form the Cosmic Perspective series.

Science is more than a body of knowledge, it’s a way of thinking.

We used to think we could understand the world simply by thinking about it, that what made sense to us must be true. But, Observation showed us that the universe often does not conform to our expectations or desires. It doesn’t matter how beautiful a theory is, who came up with it, or how much we wish something to be true. We have to look at how the universe really works, and in science, Observation has the final say.

The scientific method has pulled humanity out of dangerous superstitions and entrenched ideologies. It has allowed us to find real solutions to the problems we face. Observation leads the way. We may not always like what we see, but if we accept it with humility, we will find progress.

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#scienceart #sciart #scientificmethod #figurepainting #figurativeart #allegory #cosmicperspective #cosmos #carlsagan #humanist

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Bioluminescence - Question, Hypothesis, Experiment Oil, 30 x 20 inches Here’s the painting tha

Bioluminescence - Question, Hypothesis, Experiment
Oil, 30 x 20 inches

Here’s the painting that was in the Forbes article last week! It’s part of a seven person group show at Rehs Contemporary next month in NYC.

The light of life and the natural world. Of all the vastness of space, as of yet, we know of only one planet that supports life. At least within some great distance from here, life is rare. Each organism being the exquisite and detailed product of billions of years of evolution, life is precious. This point of light and inspiration stands in contrast to the lanterns and lights that are historically thought to be sources of illumination but are now dimmed; mythologies and superstitions humans have created as we struggled in the dark of ignorance to understand our world. But the process of science has revealed a luminous, living planet, more intricate and amazing than we could have ever imagined. Let us embrace the light of life in everyone, kindled over billions of years, and combine our efforts to light a brilliant future.

#birds #bioluminescence #oilpainting #birdpainting #naturalism #secular #secularism #humanism #humanist #sciart #scienceart #scientificmethod #science #birdart #boldbrush

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