#scoliosis struggles submission


I was diagnosed with scoliosis a few years ago. My back is normal, then it curves in the middle, then it goes normal again. The curve puts pressure on the right side of my back, and the muscles are always out of place.

Getting massages help in the moment, but afterwards I just hurt even more. The doctor prescribed me painkillers that would have become toxic in my body when mixed with my anxiety medicine. After going on walks, I feel a bit better, but it’s not safe to walk down my road.

When I was little, I was constantly going to the doctor for chest pains in my lower portion of my right lung. They said that I had asthma. It turns out that it was anxiety + my spine making me hurt so badly.

My scoliosis is not bad enough to need surgery. The doctors prescribed me painkillers that could’ve killed me, misdiagnosed me for the first twelve years of my life, and still fail to give me a yearly x-ray to monitor my spine. The doctors have failed me so many times.

I feel so horrible, but I don’t feel like I should be allowed to, just because my spine doesn’t require surgery.

Hi there! I’ve been diagnosed with Scoliosis and I know that it’s not the worst case but my spine still curves and that causes my right ribcage to poke out more than the left. I cannot stress how much mental pain it’s caused me, since I can see and feel it, it just has reduced me to tears many times due to over-fixating on the abnormality. My self confidence really has went ‍♀️ imma head out

I’m now trying to love my imperfections and I’m trying to overflow myself with body positivity posts so it can feel a little more well, normal.

I wanted to ask if anyone else has this? And has any Instagram pages or anything that posts about body positivity, especially with uneven ribcages?

Scoliosis isn’t just draining physically but it is mentally too, that’s something that I wish my GP had told me. I hope you’re staying safe, thank you for reading
