#scooby rhats rever rhappened refore





palpatine straight up told anakin he was a sith lord and anakin was like well. this is a lot to process so im going to go fetch my boss and we’ll come back in about half an hour and murder you so don’t go anywhere and palpatine didn’t you have to admire the man

palpatine is the best villain of all time bc he’s the classic master manipulator who pits his enemies against each other without lifting a finger by preying on their weaknesses but normally those types of villains have the caveat that once their bullshit get exposed it’s a simple matter of slapping handcuffs on them bc they’re like weak old CEOs or whatever

but our boy sheev? when his plans don’t go perfectly he’s just like oh well and starts zapping fuckers to death bc he’s also the most powerful old prune in the galaxy and he could just kill everyone around him if he gets bored

like luke throwing away his lightsaber and declaring himself a jedi was great but you know that luke kinda thought that was it, the crotchety old emperor doesn’t have vader to fight for him anymore courtesy of luke cutting off vader’s hand for possibly the fortieth time in anakin’s life, so it’s smooth sailing until lando destroys the death star and blasts them all to kingdom come, but then palps is like aw shucks no new apprentice can’t blame a guy for trying and just starts deep frying luke for shits and giggles and our poor twink is like THIS ISN’T ONE OF THE THINGS I THOUGHT THE FORCE COULD DO ABORT ABORT ABORT

and with mace and co arriving at sheev’s office to bring him in for being dark catholic it’s functionally the equivalent of a scooby doo villain of the week getting unmasked by the gang but then he just starts snapping necks

star wars heritage post
