#scott maccall smut


This smut was submitted by JayKay. (Thanks for helping me out, love! :))

You and Scott were laying down in his bedroom, watching netflix, having one of your usual sleepovers. It had become something frequent after you were attacked by Tracy. Scott had demanded that you stay with someone or someone stay with you until things blew over. Eventually, you ended staying with him the most. Even after the pack defeated the druids, Scott still invited you over to spend a night, or ask if he could stay with you. This led to you and him getting together, which was something you both wanted but thought wouldn’t happen.

“Hey Y/N, are you watching this? Is it boring ?  Because I can change it if you want me to.” Scott said as he reached for his laptop.

“No, it’s okay baby, you can leave it on.” You said as he shifted back to lay down.

As you continued to watch the movie, an intense sex scene came on, which was obviously uncomfortable for Scott seeing as he kept moving away from you. However, you wanted to be nestled up against him so the more he moved, the closer you got, which led you to feel his boner.

“Sorry, it’s just… I was pressed against you and then next thing I know I am imagining you naked and between my legs with your lips against my cock.” Scott trailed off.

“So let me get this straight. You were thinking about my body and me giving you a bj?” You said as your hand raised up against his crotch.

“Yeah.” He breathed out

“How about I make that daydream a reality?” You said as you unzipped his pants.

He wasn’t talking but rather watching your movements as your hand grabbed his hard cock between your hands. The movie was over and you didn’t want Scott’s computer to fall, so you tried to grab for it with both hands which led to Scott saying fuck it. He could always buy a new one of he really needed to. You slowly worked him in your hand as you used the other to play with yourself.

“Baby, please.” He begged of you.

You were happy to give him what he wanted. As you made your way down, you help him out of pants as he took off his shirt. You went to kiss him down his stomach, he kept flinching as you were getting closer to his cock. You were now face to face with his cock and you were determined to give him the best blow job you could and what better way than to maintain eye contact through it all.

“Baby, keep your eyes on me okay? If you don’t I will stop.” You said.

You tied your hair back and went back down and slowly licked him from base to tip as you kept eye contact with him. He was already struggling. You licked his balls and started to suck on them as your continued to stroke his cock. He started to get used to it, you gave him no warning as you quickly put his cock in as far as it could in your mouth. This caused him to buck hard under you and you kept staring at him as he tried to do the same with you. You began a slow pace with your hand and mouth, sucking lightly at the base and tightly at the tip. He was slowly clawing at the sheets, trying to find something to grab at. He eventually settled for your hair and helped pull you back up just for you to push back down his cock.

“Oh god baby, don’t stop.” He begged.

It felt good hearing how quickly you were turning him into a moaning, panting mess. You decided to turn it up a notch and started to deep throat him. Although you hadn’t been the best at it, you were proficient enough to make Scott feel really good. Great actually.

As soon as you want up, you went all the way down, and as soon as you did, he immediately grabbed your head and stopped you from moving

“Baby if you do that again I won’t be able to look at you, and I will surely cum.” He said, panting hard.

You looked at him mischievously and continued your torture. Every time he grabbed for your head to slow down, you would speed up, and then would stop, just to make sure he didn’t come too soon. Eventually you kept doing it to the point where he would try to meet your thrusts and try to bring himself to the edge, which made you wanna give him want he patiently waited for.

“Do you wanna cum baby ?” You asked as you quickly stroked him.

“Yes please Y/N, baby please let me cum in your mouth.” He said.

He was open to say things like that, especially during sex, so hearing him say it definitely made you wanna make him cum. So you went back down to his cock and started to suck on it while you massaged his balls, which caused him to make a loud groan that your sure his neighbors heard. As you quickly tried to bring him to the edge, you heard him say; “Oh god I am gonna cum Y/N.”

However you continued until you heard him say it again and this time it was followed by a broken moan and his huge shot of cum in your mouth. As you pulled back some of the cum that you hadn’t swallowed spilled out onto your shirt and his bed.

“Here let me.” Scott said as he got up and got a rag to clean you and your shirt off.

When he was done, he sniffed the air and realized that you were aroused… More like ready to burst.

“Baby come here. I wanna say that I am really thankful that you did that for me and to show my appreciation, I want to return the favor by bringing you some pleasure,” He said as he pulled your pants down.

Inspiration: ♪♫

Putting my defenses up, cause I don’t want to fall in love. If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack…

*I do not own the gifs, credits to the glorious maker/owner (◡‿◡✿)*

Note:I’m very bad at writing Scott McCall smut but he keeps being requested a lot. It’s not even that I don’t like him because I do, I just have that weird writers block when it comes to him, I don’t know… So if anyone of you lovely people felt like writing some smut about him and sending it to me to post it on here and satisfy the craving of all the Scott loving wolfies , that would be amazing! :D 


That was it; the moment of truth. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you tried your best to keep your composure. 

Your teacher was walking through the room, giving students their results, some seemed joyful reading the paper he was handing to them, some seemed completely depressed and some couldn’t care less… 

You were anxious, if you had to wait any longer, you were pretty sure that your heart was going to implode. When finally, the teacher stopped beside you. He looked at you through his glasses and you couldn’t tell what to expect from the expression on his face. 

He gave you the precious paper and as you read it, you felt like your soul sank inside you. It wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all. At first you felt like crying, not solely because you were unhappy with your grade but because of all the pressure you had put on yourself to get this right and now had to accept that you had failed. Then, you felt angry because you had worked your ass off to get a decent grade and the only reason you didn’t get it was because the teacher really didn’t like you, you were sure of that. 

You spent the rest of the time you had in class on an emotional rollercoaster until finally the bell rang. You were glad to get out of the room but as you walked to your locker, you suddenly realized the next thing you had to do was tell your parents about it and you instantly started walking much slower.

You put your books in your locker, staring at the inside for a while, hoping to gain some minutes before going home…

You closed the door with a sigh, deciding that this day way crap anyway. That’s when your friend Scott popped up beside you, out of nowhere, making you jump. 

“Oh, sorry (Y/N).” He said, realizing that he had scared you. 

“I should be used to it, you always do that.” You replied, laughing at yourself. 

“What’s wrong ?” He asked, and you wondered how he could even tell that something was going on. 


“Come on, I know something’s not right.” 

He looked at you straight in the eyes, it was as if he was trying to read inside them and you felt embarrassed and had to look away,. 

“Well, today’s not a good day.” You answered. 

“Okay, but what happened during your last class ?” He insisted. 

“How do you…” You started, thinking that he might have heard you with his werewolves powers but you hadn’t said a word about how upset you were and as far as you knew, werewolves couldn’t read minds, right ? 

“I heard your heartbeats.” He explained, as if it was the most logical answer. 


You were making a mental note that from now on, you were going to have to control the speed of your heart whenever you wanted to lie or hide something from him. 

He kept staring at you, sill waiting for an answer that you were strangely hesitating to give him. 

“I got a really bad grade on my last paper…” You gave up, in front of his serious expression. 

He didn’t laugh or try to make it seem like it wasn’t important, he looked at you with a sorry face before forcing a reassuring smile. 

“You’ll do better on the next one.” 

“I had to do good on that one…” You mumbled, sadly. 

“Why was this one so important ?” 

You didn’t want to tell him the truth but you didn’t know why, Scott was your friend. Justyour friend. 

“Because it was the condition for my parents to let me go on a date tonight.” You blurted out, watching his face go from surprised to embarrassed. 

“Oh okay…” He mumbled, uncomfortable. 

“It’s alright, I’ll stay home tonight and read I guess.” 

You said goodbye to him and went back home, gathering all the courage you could to tell your parents the news. They didn’t get angry at you, you knew what the deal was and you didn’t try to negotiate anything, you didn’t really want to go to the movies with that guy from the Lacrosse team anyway…


You did as you had told Scott, you stayed at your house and read in your bed, cosy under the sheets. At least you tried, but even if that date wasn’t important to you, you still were upset about how you had failed that test.

A noise brought you out of your thoughts and you looked over to the window, unsure if you were supposed to panic or not. The whole supernatural part of Beacon Hills was new to you but now that Scott had told you about wendigos and dark spirits running around town, you weren’t that reassured at night. 

There was another noise and suddenly your window opened itself and someone jumped in your bedroom. 

“Scott!” You complained, as loud as you could without having your parents hearing anything, trying to recover from what you were pretty sure was a mini heart attack. 

“I’m sorry.” 

“I liked you better when you pretended to be human with me and used actual doors and everything.” 

“Sorry.” He repeated, with an amused smile. 

“Is there something going on ?” You asked, worried, suddenly realizing his presence in your bedroom was anything but normal. 

“No, don’t worry, I just didn’t want to leave you alone tonight…” 

“Oh so you have some pity for me and my cancelled date ?” You replied, almost disappointed that he wasn’t going to give you a good reason to leave your house. 

“Not really, no.” He laughed, sitting on the edge of your bed while you moved to sit down beside him. “This guy is a jerk.” 

“I’m pretty sure you’re right on this one.” You sighed. 

He stayed silent for a moment and you stared at his fidgeting hands for a moment, wondering what was going on in his werewolf head. 

“So you’re not going to go out with him… At all ?” He asked, without turning around to look at you. 

“I don’t think so. He replied with a “K.” when I told him I couldn’t go out…” You slightly laughed. 

Scott turned around and seeing you laughing made him smile. That kind of smile that always made your heart skip a beat before feeling like it was  completely melting. 

He smiled even more but suddenly, it faded and he seemed panicked. 

“What ?” You asked, feeling his nervousness. 

“They’re coming!” He explained, looking around your room. 

You didn’t understand right away but when you heard the footsteps behind your door, your first reflex was to lift up your sheet for Scott to hide… He did and you felt him close to you, while you lied back down with your book, as if everything was normal. Your parent opened your bedroom door, looking at you suspiciously. They had heard a noise and wanted to see if you were alright. 

You felt Scott’s hand on your bare skin, holding on to your side and it was enough to make your heart beat even faster. Suddenly, you remembered you weren’t really dressed, you were wearing your old pajama short and a tank that didn’t even match with it. But werewolf couldn’t see in the dark… Right ?  

Your parent closed your window, afraid that you might catch a cold if you fell asleep with it opened wide and you didn’t mind, hoping they’d leave soon cause Scott’s hand was strangely moving pretty low on your hip.

Finally, they said goodnight to you, going to bed and left your room, closing the door. 

Scott took all his time to let go of you before his head appeared out of the sheets, looking at you with that happy and adorable smile that only him was able to do. 

“What are you so happy about ? You almost got me in trouble!” You whispered, trying to not let your voice betray how your heart was melting for him once again. 

“I can hear your heart.” He smirked, his hand finally moving upwards your hip, only to stop at your waist. 

“That’s because you are forcing me to lie to my parents…” You justified yourself, but you weren’t even able to stay serious in front of how happy he seemed at the thought that he might be the reason for your heart going wild in your chest.  

“Calm down then.” 

You smiled back at him, trying your best to do so but just as you closed your eyes and your heart seemed to finally slow down, he moved, lifting himself up above you and when you looked again to see what he was doing, you found yourself face to face with him and it was enough to prove you wrong about what was causing your heart to go crazy. 

He smiled and closed his eyes, leaning even closer to you. You closed your eyes, expecting to feel his lips pressing on yours but all you got was his warm breaths, caressing them. You looked at him only to see him proudly smiling in victory as you realized that, in that moment, everyone probably was able to hear your heart from how hard and fast it was pounding in your chest, werewolf or not. 

“Scott McCall, stop trying to give me heart attacks and kiss me.” You demanded, pretending to be upset. 

“Anything you want.” He laughed, trying to keep quiet before finally kissing you. 

You had waited for that to happen since what seemed like forever. It felt better than what you had ever dreamed off and you couldn’t slow down your heart anymore. It was almost embarrassing thinking that he could actually hear it and know exactly the effect he had on you. 

Without even really thinking about it, you pulled his shirt up and you almost immediately regretted it when he had to stop kissing you to take it off. But the sight of his naked chest was way worth it. You bite your lip looking at him and he laughed. Was your heart the only thing he could hear or was he suddenly able to sense how you were lusting after him ? 

You had your answer when he came back to you and kissed you much more eagerly than before, open-mouthed and tongues colliding with each other…

You felt his warm hands on your colder skin, bringing your shirt up, uncovering your bare chest but he was too busy kissing you to even pay attention. 

It’s only when you broke the kiss again to go search for a condom in your nightstand that he seemed to realize what was going on. 

“Are you sure ?” He asked, suddenly worried. 

“I’m sure if you are…” You replied. 

He smiled and took the condom from your hand, moving to pull his pants down and put it on. Then he abruptly disappeared under the sheets again and you weren’t sure what was happening until you heard some footsteps behind the door once again.  You held your breath, hoping no one would come in your bedroom now… 

When finally it was silent again, you felt him pulling both, your old shorts and panties down, so slowly that it made you forget to breathe again. When it reached your ankles, he took them off and you felt his hands on your inner thighs, pushing your legs apart. You couldn’t see him, you had no idea what he had in mind… 

Suddenly, you felt his wet lips on your lower stomach, pressing a soft kiss on your skin before moving down. You could feel his warm breath telling you exactly where he was going. You felt his tongue this time, slowly moving around your clit, and you finally remembered to breathe, taking a loud deep breath. 

It made him stop and his head appeared from under your sheet, looking at you, amused. 

“What ?” You asked, truly hoping that he wasn’t going to stop at this. 

“Your parents are still awake, they are talking in their room… You need to be quiet.” 

He disappeared again and took a moment to arrange the sheet above himself. 

“As if it was that easy…” You mumbled, forgetting once again that he could hear absolutely everything. 

You heard him laugh, feeling his breath between your legs before his tongue took back its previous place. The way he moved it around your clit was pleasurable but painfully slow, you were impatient and you kept trying to focus on your breathing to not let it betray you.

A few minutes went by and it was starting to be difficult for you to keep silent. He eventually decided to stop torturing you. He showed up from under the sheets and smiled at you, pushing himself inside you so easily that you barely had realized it was finally happening. 

He kissed your lips and you chose the pace, rocking your hips against him and he followed your rhythm with no complain.  It was slow. He probably was the one growing impatient now.

But it wasn’t even about getting a revenge on him, you just wanted to enjoy every minute of it, you had waited for it to happen for so long now, you were pretty sure that you were going to wake up and realize it was just another dream… 

But if it was, it was a really good one, judging by the sudden wave of pleasure that ran through your body. It was as if he knew he was allowed to go faster, maybe your heartbeats or your breathing had betrayed you again but you couldn’t care less anymore. 

He thrusted inside you, the way that you were expecting him to at first but then it turned into a barely human rhythm, your quiet sounds of pleasure suddenly turning into louder moans. You heard his laughter as he planted a kiss on your mouth before covering it with his hand. You could see the animal instinct in him awakening, making your bed knock against the wall from time to times from how strong his movements were, but yet, he had enough self control to remember that you needed to be quiet while your own brain wasn’t able to care about anything else than how good it felt. 

All of a sudden, he stopped himself. You took a breath, ready to complain, even if his hand was still trying to keep you quiet, but he moved and pulled your sheet above both of your heads.

He pressed his body against yours, his skin seemed on fire but he wasn’t even sweating. He held his breath for a moment, you clearly heard it, so you did the same. If your parents caught you, you were pretty sure that they would send you in another school, preferably in an isolated and cold country, miles away from Beacon Hills. Bad grades, bad mood, guy sneaking up in your room and having werewolf sex with you… There was only so much that they could take.

“That’s not how I wanted our first time together to be like.” Scott admitted, whispering. 

He tried to move away from you and out of your bed but you held him back. 

“What are you doing ?" 

"If we get caught, they’ll punish you and it will be my fault, I’m the one who’s been so impatient for it to happen… We’re not even dating yet!” He explained. 

“Okay fine, I’m your girlfriend. Now can we finish, please ?" 

"Are you sure it’s what you want ?" 

"Yes! Please let’s get back to business!” You almost said out loud. 

He looked at you, not seeming convinced. 

“Oh come on! You can hear my heartbeats giving away all my secrets but you can’t trust it when I’m telling you that I want you and I want to be with you ?!" 

A spark appeared in his eyes, finally accepting it and he got back on top of you, taking things where you had left them. 

You got a few human paced thrusts to start off with but it quickly turned back to supernaturally faster and stronger ones. 

It took a few more ones until it felt like he was hitting at the perfect place inside you and with the waves of pleasure it sent running in your body once again, you weren’t able to hold it very long until you reached your climax. Scott was able to hush you with one hand once again, just in time. Otherwise, you would have told the house, and maybe even the street, exactly how good he had just made you feel. 


(MyMasterlist) - ( Disclaimer
