#screams in excitement



Cosmere cross-stitch update: Finale

Greetings my dear friends… Vin has come home.

I am so incredibly pleased with her framing and very excited to finally not have to worry about her any longer! (If you missed the last update, here’s a link to it; it details some of the time and effort I put into this piece.)

Once again, thank you so much to all of you for your continued support and encouragement… The Cosmere fandom truly is The. Best. Fandom.


We are excited to annonce that we are already enough members to start Round 1!

The participants playing this first game are:

@beryllheliodora|@tarlatanaforfanfics | @captaintimber|@q195-arts|@esparkhu|@lio-zehel

May this be a fabulous debut round!

