


Artist Sign-ups are now open!

Sign up to join the Scribbles & Drabbles artist group here:

Deadline: June 30

I’ve used ‘mod privilege’ to peek at the first arts to drop in for this year. <3 Fantastic things are happening. If you make art in the Tolkien fandom, and want to join in on one of the chillest recurring events that matches up artists and authors, poke the link above.

What qualifies as art? If you say it’s art, we won’t disagree. Drawings, paintings, digital art, mood boards, a photograph of a rock that looks like a potato that you think Samwise would appreciate, toilet paper tube elves you crafted with yarn, other crafty things, cosplay, playlists, music you made, calligraphy, abstract art created with mustard and peanut butter on bread meant to represent a spider hunt in Mirkwood (but maybe don’t eat that art, mustard and peanut butter sounds kind of nasty - and don’t eat the spiders, either).

Do you want to know more? Here’s the link to the website, with dates and links to the past art & stories (60 arts and 70 written works last year), and guidelines: https://scribblesanddrabbles.weebly.com/


Scribbles & Drabbles - 2022 Gallery Options

Sign-ups are around the corner (June 1, 2022), but let’s start teasing a little by rolling out a gallery change. Last year, we only had ‘dark mode’ (black background) available. This year, art can be set up in dark mode, light mode (white background), or…

Glitter mode. (both dark and light)

Also, this year’s art fields have changed a bit, so here there are for artists who are starting to prep their art for 2022:

Keep reading


Scribbles & Drabbles: Updates!

The Scribbles & Drabbles Event Website has been updated, including info on changes for this year (mainly in the dates/timeline and the number of new art vs previously created art that can be submitted – spoiler, it’s easier to figure out this year). Badges have been added to the gallery for artists. Also, the full list of the 2021 art and stories are all on the website for those who want to revisit or didn’t have a chance back at the end of last year to look at all the shiny creations for the event.

Sign-ups for Artists & Authors will start on June 1st this year.
Art submissions due by July 15; Claims in early August; Written pieces due November 12.
Clicky on the linkies for more info.

Main Site Link: https://scribblesanddrabbles.weebly.com/
Full Art List: https://scribblesanddrabbles.weebly.com/artist-participant.html
Full Written Creations List: https://scribblesanddrabbles.weebly.com/author-participant.html


Scribbles & Drabbles: 12 Days Left for Artist Sign-ups!

We’re in the second half of the month, so that means only a dozen days left to sign up as an artist for Scribbles & Drabbles this year! (Authors, you have until the end of July to join us.) The form to sign up for either, and for beta readers, is found here (one form to rule them all this year): https://forms.gle/Hh6WV8jjdR9osgoBA


Scribbles & Drabbles: Art Submissions are now open!

Scribbles & Drabbles Artists: Art submission has begun and galleries are open for artists to view! Check your email (and spam, just in case) for a message with submission reminders and the links to the galleries.

Still want to sign up as an artist for Scribbles & Drabbles? Artist sign-ups continue through June 30th (Authors have until July 31st to signup)! Use this link (forms.gle/7NEGcsdCSZcaKbSH7) to sign up for the event!

Want to know more? scribblesanddrabbles.weebly.com/
