#script mods


Knitting Mod - Released!

Get yer needles ready. It’s time.

This mod adds a knitting interaction and skill to the game.

To get started, buy a pair of knitting needles. You’ll also need to purchase yarn to knit with. The knitting bag can be used to store knitting needles and yarn, so if you have a family of knitters, or just a sim who likes to knit an awful lot, it’s a convenient way to keep the items together.

You can knit items or just practise. Skill up to get better at making more advanced projects.

Traits will affect how fast, successful, and happy sims are at knitting, and there are 6 custom moodlets related to knitting.

There are few things I want to look into adding/changing, so there will likely be updates coming up.

Thank you for all the support and kind words! I really hope you like the mod <3

Read more and download at MTS!
