#scythian art

Scythian pectoral .

Scythian pectoral .

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widderkatzenwerke: Scythian Gold. One of the three "Çertomlyk-Type" golden scabbard overlawidderkatzenwerke: Scythian Gold. One of the three "Çertomlyk-Type" golden scabbard overlawidderkatzenwerke: Scythian Gold. One of the three "Çertomlyk-Type" golden scabbard overlawidderkatzenwerke: Scythian Gold. One of the three "Çertomlyk-Type" golden scabbard overlawidderkatzenwerke: Scythian Gold. One of the three "Çertomlyk-Type" golden scabbard overla


Scythian Gold.

One of the three "Çertomlyk-Type" golden scabbard overlays for an Akinakes, a Eurasian sword-type, showing battle scenes, presumably Hoplites against Barbarians (Persians?). Eponym find from the huge kurgan of Çertomlyk, Ukraine. Whether the hilt really belonged to this scabbard is uncertain. 4th century BCE.

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