
When you greet or thank someone using their native language, is it cultural appropriation? ️ @twostr

When you greet or thank someone using their native language, is it cultural appropriation? ️

@twostrawsandacoconut  & I recently had an interesting discussion that started because we were speaking to each other in French.  Kristi lives in Hawaii & stopped by to visit us at Alki Beach a couple of years ago. She is awesome!

Visitors to the legendary @alkisurfshop, ️are greeted with a friendly “Aloha,” by the owner, self-designated Kahuna Dave, & he says “Mahalo,” (thanks) when they leave. 

We have lots of international visitors  & he frequently thanks them in their native languages. Whether they’re from Russia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Italy or other countries, if he knows how to say thank you, he does. People seem genuinely touched.

Except recently, someone came into our kitschy, pseudo-Hawaiian store.  When greeted with “Aloha,” he told Kahuna Dave it was uncool to say that. 

He said it was cultural appropriation—which is when people adopt something from another culture. We’ve seen sports teams change names & mascots, & have read about people called out when they borrow fashion elements or “authentic” recipes. In fact, wearing ethnic clothes as a Halloween costume is seen as very bad form. ⚰️️

I’ve had meetings with an author coach who uses variations of  “No tickee, no washee,” a phrase that mocked the accent of Chinese laundry workers.  The coach is a millennial & I doubt there is any awareness of how the reference originated. I’m not the culture police & have said nothing about it. Would you?

I get that people feel harmed by cultural appropriation. But how do we know when we’re stepping over the line? ‍♀️ Going back to Kristi & me—are our French friends offended because she’s Norwegian  & I’m of Japanese descent,  yet we dare to chat en Français? ⚜️ PS. Kristi was not offended by Kahuna’s “Aloha” or “Mahalo!”

Is the world getting crazy enough for you yet? 

#culturalappropriation #happyhalloween
PHOTOS: BFF went #mushroomhunting & shared some treasured #matsutake #matsutakemushroom; Can’t miss the waning #autumncolors #seattlefall #ferns #hydrangealove #bostonivy #japanesemaple
(at Alki Surf Shop)

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Whoa. Tonight I’m trying something new—Instagram via the desktop. Wild!       I’ve been seeing stori

Whoa. Tonight I’m trying something new—Instagram via the desktop. Wild!      

I’ve been seeing stories about how the desktop version is rolling out  but I didn’t know if it would work for me. This is a long-wished for option.  I just opened Instagram on my browser and there was the “➕” at the top of my page on the Chrome browser. What does this mean for the average user?

Assuming it works, I think it will result in a more efficient workflow. ⏳

One thing won’t change—figuring out the visual content you’re going to share. ️ But that means working on a desktop where there is more control could result in better images.  When it comes to composing an extended caption, ⌨️ some of us like to check spelling✅ and keep an eye on the character count. That usually means writing in another app, like Word. 

Until now, it has been necessary to import the text into Instagram when it’s ready. I usually email it to myself, then copy and paste it into Instaspacer to clean up the copy. (Sometimes Instagram acknowledges line breaks, but not always.)  It’s not too much more work, but as we all try to squeeze every moment of productivity out of our time, ⏱️ being able to skip a step or two is great. ‍♀️

Since I’m just now going through the process, ‍♀️ maybe more discoveries will emerge. But for now, I’m going to get my pictures gathered  and see how it all comes together. I’m so excited! 

Have you tried Instagram using the desktop?️ What do you think? 
PS. I ended up abandoning the desktop! It lets you apply filters, tags, captions, but allows only one photo per post—no #carousels. #backtothedrawingboard

#Instagramdesktop #instadesktopapp #Instagram #Newfeature
Photos: #appletrees #spitzenbergapples #homemadeapplepie #seattlefall #goldenfall in front of @todayIsawdaily’s house; the last of my sister’s #homegrowntomatoes 
. (at Ravenna)

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