#second opinion


Something I have come to dread are cases that are coming to me for second opinions.

Of course it is well within the right of every pet owner to seek out another opinion but most people don’t do it for the right reasons. What are the wrong reasons?

Not wanting to spend money on tests

This is the category of second opinions that I see the most of. “My regular vet wanted to charge me $200 for tests before giving me an answer!” We need diagnostics in order to determine the best way to treat your pet. It should be a big red flag if your vet says they know exactly what is going on and how to fix it without running any tests (within reason). Even something obvious like a broken leg needs x-rays to determine exactly how it is broken so it can be fixed properly.

Wanting a Different Outcome

Now, this can be a valid reason sometimes. But often owners just don’t like the answer they were given. This can tie into not wanting to spend money on tests too. Owners are frustrated because the problem isn’t getting fixed but won’t let the doctor run any tests so they can’t figure out what the problem is and end up trying different things just to see if maybe they work.

Wanting a Prescription Fix

Some problems require the owners making environmental changes or pursuing behavioral consultations/training. Sometimes owners just want medications instead. Unfortunately meds generally don’t fix the problem.

Wanting Cheaper Care

This also could be grouped with not wanting to spend money on tests. I see lots of “My vet wanted to charge me X for Y. How much do you charge?”. This is really complex because many times owners will simply seek out the cheapest procedure and assume its the same. You have to ask what is included in the price. Yes, you can get a spay done for $75 some places. Often that doesn’t include monitoring, IV catheter, fluids, pain meds, or after care. IMO that is substandard care but I don’t make the rules. You cannot compare that to a hospital that does lab work before hand, places an IV catheter and has fluids going, monitors vitals, gives pain meds, and has staff monitoring aftercare. Also keep in mind where you are. It is more expensive to operate a hospital in Manhattan, NYC than Manhattan Kansas so the prices won’t be the same even for identical procedures.

If you still want a second opinion, you are welcome to do so. But please keep in mind:

Bring medical records! (Better Yet, Send Them Ahead of Time)

Way, way too often I see a patient and the owner has no medical records. You aren’t getting a second opinion in this case, its a first opinion because we have to start over. Your pet’s medical records belong to you and you have a right to get a copy. I promise your previous vet doesn’t mind if you want a second opinion. Please don’t wait until you arrive at another hospital and ask them to call for records because all too often the other practice is closed or can’t do it right away and waiting for the records plus the time it takes the vet to go over them takes away from your appointment. If I have 20 minutes for an appointment and 15 of that is spent waiting for and reviewing records, you get 5 minutes of my time because I can’t make the next appointment wait.

You Must Pay

“But I just spent $100!” Yes, and I can understand how that is frustrating. But you are coming somewhere requesting a fresh set of eyes on a case and that requires doing an examination, going over previous records, and maybe running more tests. If tests were done very recently and are the tests we need, then you won’t have to repeat them in most cases.

Don’t Be Rude

You can seek a second opinion at anytime. Sometimes you must sign a records release form but that’s about it. Even if you want a second opinion you still have to pay for the first doctor’s time and for any lab work or meds. Just politely request records from the front desk staff and be on your way. The number of times owners have angrily threatened me by saying they’ll go elsewhere for care is comical. Often they calm down quickly when I say “Ok. I’ll get your records, I am sorry we aren’t meeting your needs.”
