#secondary character spinoff novels when





six in the morning time to talk about mazeisei uniform headcanons

first, the canon: maia describes both cala and kiru’s robes as “shabby”. dazhis’ was “a newer, brighter blue” than cala’s at his first report, and after the treason maia wonders to himself if that should have been a reason to doubt his integrity. cala borrows a robe from another maza for gormened’s dinner party, “for while it was a bright, even blue, it was an inch too short in the sleeves”. this is the only time he seems to make an attempt to tidy up his appearance. the adremaza is never described as looking notably untidy except on the night of dazhis’ revethvoran, but that’s more noted in his hair than in his clothes. in witness, thara doesn’t describe lenet athmaza’s robes beyond “blue”, but he can be idiosyncratic about what he chooses to describe about people

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Cala is this guy

ID: a text post by kaijuno that says

“Also being a scientist pretty much gives you a free pass to be as eccentric as you want

like you’ll be at a conference and it’s like ‘is that guy wearing socks and sandals and plaid pants???’ 'Ya but he was on the team that discovered gravitational waves let him be’”

with a reply by inthisquarter that says

“I once saw a highly-respected mineralogist take a slice of watermelon, put it between the two halves of a bagel, and eat it like a sandwich.” end ID
