#see i have 300 drafted posts right now ’




*Pro Edens Gate Rant*

I always.. avoid liberating Seeds Ranch as much as possible because this part of Hope County isn’t anything to do with anyone else. This is literally Johns Home. It is his.

It isn’t the peoples. Its his and the fact you take it back, as well as other legally owned land by Edens Gate pisses me off.

Watching the Resistance destroying EG’s decorations when an outpost is liberated is hard (especially if you play without any mod that keeps it untouched even if it’s frreed), but with the Ranch, it’s heartbreaking: it’s John’s stuff, his memories, the happiest years of his life and the heart of his family life litteraly burnt to ashes… The liberated Ranch has almost lost its soul. The missing Family portrait especially always makes me sad

Honestly, I wouldn’t even necessarily say it’s a “pro Eden’s Gate” statement, it’s just facts. Unlike the F.A.N.G. Center or the Drubman Marina, for example, Eden’s Gate didn’t take Seed Ranch from anyone; it’s always belonged to John.

In early versions of the story, though, it apparently wasn’t just his house, it was where he tortured people (mostly for fun, at the time). They were taken to the ranch and either didn’t come back or came back “wrong”, according to what some civilians say in the game’s files. In a deleted mission, we were also supposed to “rescue Mary May from Seed Ranch”. In this context, capturing this outpost made more sense and actually helped the Resistance.

In the final version of the game, though? We don’t “liberate” Seed Ranch, we purely and simply steal it.
