#sefiras haomer




As this post goes up I’m in the bus with my friends on our way to Meron.
In the zchus of Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai all of my followers and ganz Klal Yisroel should have only good and see all their yeshuos this very year!

No more pain, no suffering, only happiness- good fortunes, health, shidduchim, Yiddishe simches, nachas, hatslocho, parnosa, yeshuos, geulos and may we all see Moshiach Tzidkeinu very soon; not lighting the hadlukeh in Meron, but dancing together with Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai and thousands of other Yidden… What a sight that would be!

Hots gepoilt ales gits!


Just as a reminder to my followers don’t forget to count sefiras ha’omer each night until Shavuos. Also, now we’re in the sefira it means that all music has been banned. :-( Most hold until Lag Ba’omer only vocal songs (without instruments) are still allowed.
