#sei rants


made it to San Jose for fanime and I’m so tired -w-;


rly wanna make GK stickers…hmmm
there are too many characters so I wanna shove them all on a sheet or two instead of selling them individually tho–we shall see. 

slow process bc im lazy but I’ll probably finish these tonight. Debating between Inkramat or Ienaga for the last one to make it an even 12…

rly wanna make GK stickers…hmmm
there are too many characters so I wanna shove them all on a sheet or two instead of selling them individually tho–we shall see. 

my business cards shipped and get here on Tuesday I’m so excited

I hope the spot UV printing for the polaroid cards came out fine

just had a mental breakdown over ob*y m* because I accidentally clicked into the next box before getting the cool new animated background and frankly might just end it all

omg two ATLA fics I like updated today omg omg

finally unpacked fanime stuff and uh everything is sold out lol

Store is gonna open again tomorrow morning. Will have preorders and restock orders because it’s really empty..

I wish blocking people would remove my art from their profiles grrrr

I made a Twitter! We’ll see how it goes hhh

hehe that one zine I drew the cover for that I was stressing over just released a reveal, twirls hair

fanime was a huge success for me! Despite all of the (stress) hurdles it ended up being great so far. One more day to go!
