#self-esteem issues part excuse




“humanity is inherently selfish and bad” bbbrrrghuhjfkg. humanity is seeing a stranger’s grocery bag break open on the sidewalk and harvesting fruits and veggies from the branch-like cracks of the asphalt for them, just because you can. humanity is helping a lost child find their mother on a crowded beach, looking for the ladybug-patterned parasol with their hummingbird-small hand in yours. it’s an elder’s fingers wrapped around your arm as you help them up the stairs because the elevator is broken, and feeling like you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing, like this is what you would’ve been doing had you been alive centuries or even millennia ago. there will always be a heavily pregnant woman who will smile at your when you give up your seat, a nice blind man in the fruit aisle who will ask you to please pick the riper plantain for him, a tired cashier whose face will light up when you compliment their tattoo sleeve. humanity is connection

The “humanity is inherently selfish and bad” trope is yet another iteration of propaganda meant to blame innocent masses for problems that are directly caused by the top percentage of obscene wealth-hoarders. It is born from a probably subconscious rationalization for their extreme greed, ie “anyone would do what i’m doing if they were in my position because it’s just human nature.” Anyway it’s total bullshit and the truth is that human beings are love in motion.
