#self love journal prompt


skipping to day 17 because i fell behind on posting, whoops! anyway, write a letter to your past self. this can be you yesterday, you 5 years ago, you last week, child you, unborn you. listen to your heart about it.

happy valentine’s day! what a wonderful day to reflect on why you deserve love, especially self love! i hope you all have a wonderful love day.

this one’s pretty self explanatory as well. take your time to reflect on this one.

this one is pretty self explanatory. go forth and write about yourself with love in your heart.

day 9: write a list of things you’re grateful for

or just one thing! gratitude is extremely important in relation to self love because you’re valuing yourself enough to notice what you’re grateful for. you can write about anything, and it doesn’t have to be huge or even current.

do you really enjoy knitting, but you haven’t found the time for it? are you eyeing a painting you abandoned 3 months ago? talk about it! talk about how you can make time for yourself and the things you enjoy. how can you ensure you have time for the things you enjoy?

congrats on one week of focusing on yourself! tell me about something you did this week/month/day! did you go grocery shopping? make your bed? brush your teeth? give yourself props for a job well done!

was it a special day with your family? the day you got your dream job? the day you met your s/o? the day you got a pet? write about it!

this one kind of speaks for itself! it doesn’t even have to be realistic; if your favorite genre is fantasy, write yourself into a fantasy world. you’re a wizard. a vampire. a witch. an old god. it’s up to you. describe your appearance, your personality, the things you love, etc… go stupid go crazy!

what time does ideal you get up? what is their morning routine? what do they eat the most? what hobbies do they have? what virtues do they cherish? what books do they read? go through any details you want, as many as you’d like. explore how you can be more like them!

do you feel like you don’t get enough compliments on your nose? do you feel like you deserve more recognition for the art you do? talk about it! what do you wish someone complimented you on?

here’s a rundown on the prompts, and the prompt list is under the read me, as well as an inspiration credit list (which i HIGHLY recommend looking at if you’re getting into journaling, or just want some more ideas, especially ones about self love/positivity/self reflection, etc.) and here’s the details on it:

- i’ll post prompts every day starting on february 1st along with an explanation of the prompt, some ideas of what you could write, further elaboration on the prompt, etc.

- you don’t have to do the prompts in order, or at all, to participate. just write something and you’re in! i hope you’ll keep it positive at least, but it’s not really necessary. just jot something down! you don’t have to do it every day either! you can write it physically, or you can type it. you can even just reblog and write your entry in your reblog. honestly, you can just reflect on the prompts. i’m just glad you’ve decided to dedicate time to self love! also, if you’re seeing this after february, you can still do the prompts and feel free to share!

- have fun with it! make sure you bring yourself to your journal every day with love in your heart. try not to be self negative; and if you are, at least try to make sure you turn it around at some point in the entry!

here’s the prompt list & credits:

  1. What is something you’ve done that you feel proud of?
  2. What is something you love about yourself, and wished more people noticed too?
  3. Write about your ideal self. How are they different from you, now? How are you similar? Make it realistic.
  4. Describe yourself, but as if you’re the protagonist of a novel. 
  5. Don’t worry about being modest. What is your most attractive feature(s)?
  6. What is your happiest memory? Write about all the details you can remember.
  7. What is something you got done today? This week? This past month? Give yourself a pat on the back.
  8. Talk about something you enjoy doing. Are you dedicating enough time to it? How can you make it even more fulfilling? 
  9. Write a list of things you’re grateful for. 
  10. Write a love letter to yourself.
  11. What is something you need to let go, or forgive yourself for? How can you work towards doing so?
  12. Write about a time (or times) when you should have been nicer to yourself. What can you do to make sure next time, you treat yourself better? How can you be easier on yourself for your mistakes?
  13. Write about a hobby you’d like to start. How can you work towards starting it? Are there any supplies you need to buy? Why are you interested in the hobby? Go into detail.
  14. Write about all the reasons you deserve love; from others and from yourself. 
  15. What does your perfect day look like? How can you replicate some of those details in your life now?
  16. What would your childhood self love about you now? What would their favorite thing about you be?
  17. Write a letter to your past self. Be kind.
  18. Write a letter to your future self. Use futureme.org to get it sent to you on a date of your choosing!
  19.  Write about all the things you’re worried about. Get it out of your mind!
  20. Write some affirmations today. 
  21. What is stopping you from loving yourself? How can you work on letting that go?
  22. Why are you happy to be alive? What makes you feel grateful to be alive?
  23. What are your personal goals for this next year?
  24. What do you wish someone would say to you when you’re sad?
  25. Plan a self care day. When can you do these things? You deserve a break?
  26. Did you have any New Years resolutions? Have you kept up with them? Why or why not? How can you start keeping up with them? And if you haven’t written resolutions—write some now, along with some ways you can be sure you’ll keep up with them. Keep it realistic!
  27. Write about some things you dislike about yourself. Now rewrite them in a positive light.
  28. What makes you feel confident about yourself? What can you do to feel more confident every day going forward?

credit:january prompts from carrie walker on youtube,50 self love writing prompts from uncustomary,37 self love prompts from danxiety,60 self love journaling prompts from rebekah-joan.
