#self promo sunday



This Sunday morning, I thought that I would post a “Previously On…” sort of teaser for my @captainswanmoviemarathon fic “Do as the Romans Do”. It’s a movie AU of the old Audrey Hepburn/Gregory Peck classic, and though it has taken me forever, I have finally completed the last chapter to finish it all up!  I am still typing and editing, but I hope to post the final addition within the next day or so, so I thought a bit of a catch-up might be in order since it has taken me so long…


Summary: Crown Princess Emma is on her first solo goodwill tour, and as much as she wants to do her duty and make her family proud, sometimes she just wishes she could live an ordinary life. When she takes the chance to spend a day on her own in Rome, and a lucky chance encounter makes it all the more sweet, will she ever want to return?

You can find all the previous chapters here on Tumblr: Part One   Part Two Part Three   Part Four

or on AO3, if you prefer: Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four

And, to hopefully tide you over, a taste of the Epilogue (Part Five):

The uproar Emma’s attendants and minders created when she arrived back to the floor they had been granted in the upper eastern wing of the embassy was grating on her pained psyche after just giving up the happiest and freest moments she had ever felt, and a connection she was uncertain she would ever find again. The way Mistress Bleu fluttered and clucked about, chastising her in much the same manner as she had since Emma was in diapers and onesies had her clinging to her self-control and biting back a frantic sense of the room closing in around her - not to mention barely stoppering the harsh words on the tip of her tongue.

One might have thought they genuinely believed she would abandon her post permanently; leave behind her family and her people heedlessly without so much as a backward glance. Though she had tried to follow their rules, be the sweet, demure princess society dictated, stifled her own longings and aimed to please, none of it had done any good. Those who should know her best beyond her own parents thought her so shiftless and irresponsible as to flee her duties at the tip of a hat. What else could she assume with the way the whole lot of them were exclaiming and gasping at her rumpled clothes and bemoaning her bobbed hair?

Only Ashley seemed truly glad to see her back in one piece, squeezing through the rest of the disapproving faces to hug Emma tightly and to whisper that she wanted to hear every detail later. The moment’s reprieve and sweet understanding from her oldest friend did relax her tense shoulders and lower them a fraction as she blew out a low, calming breath. Still, when the others pressed forward once more, ready to continue berating her recklessness and lack of concern, the Princess finally gathered her royal bearing and firmest resolve to look them square in the eyes. Staring down each dresser, coach, and advisor until their words ceased and at last they stood in silence, she outwaited them all.

Though she could not help but wonder if any of her thoughts or feelings would make much difference, this time at least, she would be heard. “That is quite enough,” she admonished Mistress Bleu and her stuffy cohorts, the nagging matron’s teeth audibly clacking together as her mouth snapped shut. The Princess did not raise her voice nor resort to tempestuous emotion often, but her tone was steady, brooking no argument and clearly conveying that she would not be hushed or interrupted.

Meeting each of their eyes in turn, until one by one her minders looked away, abashed, Emma shook her head sadly; heartsore that despite all she had sacrificed since childhood, and all that she had turned away from, the freedom and possible love she had given up not even an hour ago, they would still question her commitment.

“Contrary to what most of you seem to believe, I know my duty well. I have never wavered in my love for Misthavia, or my subjects, nor in my dedication to serve them well. Never until today…”  She paused to draw in a fortifying breath, letting the implication of her words sink in. “Let me make this abundantly clear; if I did not value my honor and my duty as well as I do, I would not be standing here now.”

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Can’t wait!!!!!!!


This one shot was originally written for the lovely Alma ( @teamhook ) for the #love4teamhook collection. Though I realize this didn’t happen in canon, I consider it more a divergent missing moment which could have happened than fully AU. Killian did seem to make friends with a lot of the various princesses who came and went on “Once”, until it sort of seemed like he had a Princess Squad. This story came from that, and you know that the Charmings and company would have gone to Aladdin and Jasmine’s wedding…


Summary:When Killian, Emma, and the Storybrooke crew travel to Agrabah for the wedding of Aladdin and Jasmine, our pirate learns just how many people have his back.

Also available on AO3here

“I never thought I’d see the day,” a disgruntled voice tsked, standing at the mirror and just out of Emma’s line of sight. The speaker had that disapproving tone to her words, one that Emma had come to know well growing up surrounded by people who looked down their noses at her and were constantly disappointed in her prickly demeanor and tough exterior.

The speaker’s companion, a woman whose robes were a violently garish mauve and who kept fluffing her already quite voluminous mane of curly dark hair, sighed in regretful agreement. Her curls bounced as she seemed to nod sagely at her friend’s words. “It’s true - seems just about anyone can marry into the royal family now.”

The first woman tittered gleefully, enjoying having a sympathetic ear for her gossip no doubt. “Never mind the scruffy length of that Aladdin’s hair…” the mocking emphasis she put on the new prince consort of Agrabah’s name, as if it were too ridiculous to take seriously, had Emma clenching her fist angrily, ready to storm into view and speak up on her friend’s behalf. However, the rest of the woman’s words, knocked her back on her heels for several stunned, painful seconds, “…but did you see the sort of riff raff on his side of the aisle? Street rat that he is, I suppose I really shouldn’t have expected more from the guest list, but honestly!”

“And the visitors are no better! What are Queen Snow and her Charming thinking accepting a pirate for a son-in-law… with his reputation and that hook?”

Emma’s pulse was pounding so strongly in her temples that her vision was going a bit hazy when she charged into the ladies room from the short hall where she’d been listening, revealing herself to the bitter hags at the sinks, practically vibrating with righteous anger and staring them both down as their mouths fell open in shocked embarrassment. Their entire aspects changed as they began to simper and apologize, hoping to placate the royal standing before them.

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I love this so much!!!! I think I’ve read it close to a hundred times!!! Just because it makes me so happy to know that Killian has a Princess Squad looking out for him!!!!!! I laugh at the way each Princess shuts up the nasties and makes there points!!!!! Amazing!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!



In the aftermath of that doozy of a two hour midseason finale back in season four, I had all kinds of ideas rolling around in my head for numerous other ways that Killian’s heart being taken could have played out, along with how more of Emma fighting to get his heart back and the two of them rejoicing at his survival could have gotten more time. I still don’t own these two characters, or anything related to the show, but I enjoyed the little trip back to that time in the show I took this week in editing this and creating cover art. Hopefully some of you will enjoy it as well…

Also on AO3orff.net, if that is your reading preference…

“Heart in Hand, I Know Your Worth”


This cannot be real, cannot be happening again. Another man she loves – yes, loves – falling to the cold, hard floor of the Sheriff’s station, clutching his chest, mouth gaping in a struggle for breath, eyes already going half-glassy from their usually crisp, brilliant blue.

“Killian!” Emma chokes, falling to his side and reaching for him, forcing herself not to scream. His body stretches out before her limply, looking too much like Graham’s had nearly three years ago, too much like the horrifying death pose seared into her mind’s eye, no matter how much time has passed. She wants to ask what is wrong, but is petrified that she doesn’t need to; she knows exactly what is happening to her pirate. There had been nothing she could do when she was in this position before, and this is so much worse, so much more desperately necessary.

As she reaches out to shake Killian, gripping his shoulders with frantic hands, begging him to stay with her - stay awake - her eyes fall on the bootlace wrapped around her wrist; her reminder of the gentle, kind man who had died in her arms in this same station, and tears well over her eyelids, spilling down her cheeks to fall on Killian’s paling face. Those lovely, kissable lips that have always been so soft and tenderly coaxing on hers are open, panting, as he struggles to form her name, his one good hand clasping hers to pull her closer where she can hear his desperately whispered words. “Em-Emma…Love, I’m sorry…I k-know I promised…you d-didn’t have to w-worry…I m-may not be as g-good at…surviving…as I p-promised. The Crocodile…has m-made sure of it…this time…”

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I loved this story so much!!! I am so thrilled to see it on my dash this morning!!!! Thank you so much for sharing it again!!!!!!


I guess I should apologize for being self-indulgent, because many of you may have read this little two shot before. It has been a while since I’ve gone back and looked at it though, and this morning I felt like looking it up again. It was one of my first CS/OuaT fics to gain some definite love and popularity back in the hiatus between 3a and 3b. Maybe some of my newer readers who missed it will enjoy, and maybe someone else will have fun looking back (I hope).  Plus, it now has perfect, amazing, lovely cover art, courtesy of the wonderful @searchingwardrobes!!! 

Summary: Just a little post-Neverland fic, taking place sometime after they’ve returned to Storybrooke with Henry. Pan’s gone, and there is no second curse. It was originally inspired (some years ago) by cold January weather and my wondering how Hook would manage to keep warm and not get sick on a freezing cold old ship. Anyway, pretty sweet and fluffy, I’ll admit it, but I still hope you enjoy - even all these years later and after how much closer our pirate and princess became…

“Under the Weather”

(posting both parts here for ease of reading)


Also available onff.netorAO3

If anyone had asked her, Emma Swan couldn’t have explained why she felt the sudden prickling of concern in the back of her mind, nor the unexpected, pressing need to make sure he was alright. Shaking her head at the sheer ridiculousness of the idea, she had fought against her impulses all day. She had busied herself with paperwork and answered calls about power outages and other inconveniences that came with the cold, wintry Maine weather, but there weren’t enough jobs by early afternoon to keep her mind from wandering back to him and her eyes from every so often floating up to check the clock.

David knew something was bothering her; Emma could feel her father’s eyes studying her for clues to her agitation. However, he was also wise enough to bite his tongue and not ask questions. She wanted to tell him to go on home to Snow, and she would finish up. Yet she didn’t, knowing that would only make him more curious. Resolutely, stubbornly, she kept finding any bit of busy work she could lay her hands on to stop the disconcerting waves of concern for him that were now rolling through her at regular intervals.

‘He’s a 300-year-old pirate captain, for Heaven’s sake!’ her mind berated her seeming irrationality. ‘He can certainly take care of himself in a sleepy little town. What in the world could he need you for? You haven’t had word of any kind of trouble…’ Still, while all of these arguments made perfect, reasonable sense, Emma found they didn’t soothe her unease in the slightest.

When the clock finally struck five, David stood casually, announcing that since they weren’t busy he was going to head home and help Snow with supper, if Emma didn’t need anything. Emma shook her head 'no’ with a small smile, thanking him and saying she would see him shortly.

“You’re sure I can’t do anything else to help before I leave?” her father asked sincerely, again looking at her so closely that Emma knew he was trying to divine her thoughts.

“Positive,” she reiterated with a definite nod, giving him a playful smirk and waving him out the door. “I’ll call if anything comes up, but I should be right behind you in an hour or so.”

Once her father had left her to her own devices, Emma tossed the case files she had been pretending to read across the surface of her desk and gave up all pretense of working. Standing up and beginning to pace, she at last admitted to herself that the worry swirling inside her for Hook was not going away – in fact, it was only growing stronger. Taking one last glance around the interior of the station, she realized that she wasn’t going to get anything else done, and she wouldn’t have any peace until she put her awful hunch to rest. Hook was going to tease her mercilessly about her concern for him, but apparently she was going to have to live with that. The fact that he tended to haunt her steps and turn up anywhere she might be, made it especially disconcerting that she hadn’t seen or heard from him in three days. At least, she was telling herself that was all it was.

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I loved this the first time that I read it and I love it even more now that I’ve read it again!!!!!! I always wondered what Killian would be like if he ever got sick and was alone in the Jolly!!! And you have that to me and I am so grateful!!!! Thanks for sharing this again!!!!! Love love love love love love this!!!!!
