#self reblog for the evening folk



(A fanfic in the same timeline as my Unfinished Businessfic)

The hallways always seemed more crowded, somehow, at the exact moments when Zell was in a hurry to be someplace. Crowds on the way to the hot dog line - which, again, were sold out by the time he got there - and now crowds on his way to the elevator. Garden was such a big place, filled with students, and they only had one damn elevator.

“S’cuse me! Sorry!” Zell called out as he wiggled his way through the crowd. As the elevator doors slid open, he already began trying to move against the flow before the previous passengers had fully emptied out of the elevator.

As he eagerly bashed the “3” on the door panel and secured his space in the tight, confined area, Zell let out a relieved sigh and leaned against the back wall. Almost there. By the time the elevator reached the 3rd floor, Zell was the sole passenger. Most others still only used it to get between classes, but Zell had an important meeting in the Headmaster’s office.

“I made it! I’m here!” He yelled and hopped out of the elevator as soon as it let him out on the third floor.

A small group was already gathered in the foyer. Zell perked up with a wide grin to see that it was the old gang, all back together again. Squall sat on a sofa with his elbows rested on his knees, staring at the empty coffee table in front of him with his usual unreadable expression while Rinoa sat beside him, happily chatting with Quistis and Selphie. Irvine casually leaned against a nearby wall, the brim of his hat tipped low over his eyes - no doubt putting way too much effort into looking nonchalant.


Read the rest at my AO3!
