#self replies



I also wanna say I DM’d uwukong and we talked things over and we’re on good terms. I appreciate xem accepting my apology and I just wanna make things clear it’s been handled and while I was glad to find out no one’s been bothering it about this I wanna make it clear I don’t want anyone sending hate on my behalf, regardless of whatever discourse it may involve. I was gonna work on some stim posts today but I don’t want to make it look like I’m trying to brush off or hide the situation, so that’ll be postponed til later.

I also want to add that it hasn’t sent me any hate whatsoever. It’s friends confronted me and xe talked about somebody bothering xem on xir own blog. And people being mad at me for messing up isn’t harassment and regardless of it I’ve not faced any kind of harassment over this. It’s very kind of anyone to be concerned about me, but I’m an adult and I can handle it. 


and now we’ve come to possibly the most braindead development of the discourse I just had to see with my own two eyes someone compare making that joke hate tweet about bts to the actual, real life holocaust

Oh I made them BIG mad when I responded to that tweet and ofc they all ignored the antisemitism and just called me a weeb 


And since that last post about tippy he’s had 3 seizures in the last 24 hours and scared us all shitless. We’ve got a vet coming out even sooner than we could originally do and we have medication for him to take in the meantime but Jesus this is stressful as fuck. I don’t wanna ask for prayers cause… chr*stianity be low-key triggering lately but like. Idk. Just keep him in your thoughts please. I’m not having a good time rn

So now I’m resorting to staying awake as much as possible and keeping tippy with me as much as I possibly can so my sister can actually get some sleep. So guess I’m playing the switch til 4 am today!
