#semi censored lonks so this isnt supressed

I really don’t normally post stuff like this, but it would mean the world to me and Sam if folks in I really don’t normally post stuff like this, but it would mean the world to me and Sam if folks in I really don’t normally post stuff like this, but it would mean the world to me and Sam if folks in I really don’t normally post stuff like this, but it would mean the world to me and Sam if folks in

I really don’t normally post stuff like this, but it would mean the world to me and Sam if folks in the Washington State area could share this around. My girlfriend is in dire straits and needs a safe place to stay or couch-surf until she can move to Scotland. Details are in the post.

A GoFundMe will be posted once we finish calculating her moving costs, and I will be hosting a donation drive with art incentives soon for general needs.

  • Feel free to DM me here or on Twitter if you have any leads, and we can discuss more info.
  • Additionally consider supporting her now by pledging to her at [ patreon (.) com/Izzybea ] . She’s a former professional chef and has some cool recipes there.
  • Or you could donate to my Ko-Fi [ ko-fi (.) com/hallowraith ], wherein I will be directing all tips to her for future expenses.

Thank you all for your support.

Post link