#send me memes please

MASSIVE DOOF HEEEEREthe video from last gif set is now up on pawnhub. Don’t expect too much please.


the video from last gif set is now up on pawnhub.Don’t expect too much please. Not really good at this sort of stuff. But I really wanna Improve soo. Gimme feedback if you wanna. Except for the obvious flaws. Portrait mode, audio, etc.

No bully please <3 
Im getting more and more tempted to post a pic of my peen. But idk. It’s hard to get good pics of it. 

+++More Toast News+++

 (possible long post please don’t hate me lol)

Besides of dying from the heat Toast gathered all of his/her courage to tell something to his/her Mom. Something about gender identity. And Toast is very happy that he/she did. Still, Toast is just as confused as before. But might look into talking to a therapist again. 

It just felt like the next step to take. Told her about the way I feel sometimes and why I’m always lost in thought and quiet. So yeah… 
She was very supportive and happy for me. She wants to help me find out who I am. yeyWow actually using this blog to actually blog. Hope it’s ok for you all.
Thank you @mauwmauw5-0 for always being there for me and helping me through this stuff <3 and thank everyone who follows this blog. Papa bless

Another thing! If you donated to my Paypal, PLEASE text me so I can give you big thank. THANK YOU TO WHOEVER DID IT!!!

stay save kids

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