#sensitivity reader request



Looking for sensitivity readers for deaf character in original scifi/fantasy

I’ll be doing my own research too, but I’m a hearing person writing a deaf POV character in a scifi/fantasy setting and would like the help of sensitivity readers. This character is introduced in book one of my series, but will be getting a lot more development in the sequel, which I’m working on now.

Some info on the character:

  • A nonhuman preteen girl named Beyy-ma, born deaf to a hearing father and a deaf mother
  • Her story is not about her deafness, she just happens to be deaf
  • Speaks almost exclusively in sign language (“Hand Language”)
  • Has a hearing sister who’s fluent in Hand Language and usually with her, but there will be moments where they’re separated
  • She and her sister are part of a royal family. Beyy-ma takes her role more seriously than her sister does and is definitely the calmer/more mature of the pair, though they both get up to mischief
  • Pretty good at lipreading but doesn’t always get it 100% right. Also has an empathic ability that helps with emotional context, but her Language is unique to her culture and not a whole lot of people outside that culture learn it, so there’s still a barrier there when she leaves her village

I don’t have any scenes for anyone to look at right now, but I figured I’d see if there’d be any interest once they’re written. They’ll be part of the second book in a series so I’ll need to provide some context before you dive in.

Thanks guys :D
