#sentinel comics oc

Digital drawing of 5 people doing the Ginyu Force group pose. In Ginyu's position is a young woman with white skin, brown hair in braided pigtails, a white sun hat, and green coverall shorts. In Jeice's position is a young man with tanned skin, shaggy blonde hair, shark teeth, and a black and bright blue full body wetsuit. In Guldo's position is a blue skinned Thorathian with a white undercut, red jumpsuit, and black, silver, and purple armor. In Recoome's position is a young woman with shaggy brown hair, pale skin, and jeans and a t-shirt under several pieces of silver armor and a red cape. In Burter's position is a brown and silver robot with rainbow LEDs looped around him, a visor shaped like sunglasses, and a red, yellow, and green meter on his chest.ALT

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Drew@chopperiv’s and my Sentinel Comics OCs all together for once and. Come on you know I had to make them Ginyu Force

Here we have Sprout/Jacqueline “Jackie” Stock(hat),Riptide/Josh Olmstead (shark teeth), Ersatz (blue Thorathian), the Chivalrous Champion/Charlotte (cape), and Jukebox(robot).

Pencil sketch of Sprout (a young woman with braided pigtails, a large sun hat, and a short sleeved jumpsuit) and Riptide (a young man with shaggy hair, shark teeth, and a wetsuit). It's a rectangular panel divided in half diagonally through the middle. Both of them are turned away from each other, shouting angrily into their cell phones. Sprout (left): WHY ARE YOU BUYING CLOTHES AT THE SOUP STORE?! Riptide (right): FUCK YOUALT
Pencil sketch of the Champion, a young woman with shaggy hair wearing jeans and a t-shirt under a breastplate, greaves, and bracers, along with a battle tiara and cape. She has a sword in one hand and a shield raised over her head, with a somewhat sour expression.ALT

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I drew some of my Sentinel Comics OCs the other day…Sprout and Riptide are always my faves for goofy meme shenanigans and I just really like drawing Champ.

Pencil sketches of a young Thorathian with an undercut and body armor from the thighs up. They're smiling with one hand held up in a fist and the other propped on their hip. Beside them is a pencil sketch of a cylinder attached to a belt, labelled "Fuel Belt TM" and 3 triangular icons: one of a sprout coming out of a bean, one of a partly depleted battery, and one of a heart, sun, moon, clover, and star arranged in a circle.ALT
2 pencil sketches. On the top right is the Thorathian from the previous image and a young human woman with braids and a sun hat clasping hands and smiling at the viewer. Below them is written "NB/BI SOLIDARITY" in all caps. The nonbinary flag is drawn next to the Thorathian in marker and the bi flag is drawn next to the human in marker. At the bottom left is the same Thorathian, wearing a t-shirt instead of body armour and holding up a finger. The shirt says "What part of (complex math equation) do you not understand?" The Thorathian is saying "Everyone finds me attractive and that makes everyone gay."ALT

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You know what? Fuck you (nonbinaries your Thorathian)

I think the concept of Ersatz wearing a lot of science/math meme shirts is very funny. Riptide buys them for them.

5 panel colour comic featuring Sprout and Riptide, two young adults. Sprout is a girl with a farmer's tan, brown braided pigtails, green jumpsuit, and white sun hat. Riptide is a boy with tan skin, shaggy blonde hair, blue wetsuit, and dark blue hoodie. They are in a burning building. Panel 1: Riptide's outstretched hand. R: "It means that it's hot! And I'm dehydrated, Jackie!" Panel 2: Riptide with his arm outstretched and steam coming off it, looking annoyed. Sprout next to him, gesturing and looking up at him. S: "You can't run out of water! I thought you could use the water in the air!" Panel 3: Riptide flinging his arms wide to gesture at the fire around them, Sprout looking around with her back to the viewer. R: "THERE IS NO WATER IN THIS AIR!" Panel 4: The burning building. R: "What's your excuse, you run outta beans?!" Panel 5: Sprout looking up and away, gesturing around them. Riptide next to her, snarling with hands curled angrily. S: "I can't just start growing plants! The building-" R: "I WANTED TO GO BOWLING"ALT

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Sprout (mine) and Riptide (@chopperiv’s) reenacting the burning building scene from the Incredibles is one of the first things we came up with when we made them. I love drawing these two <3

Tried a different shading style than my usual. Not sure how I feel about it yet but really wanted to go for a more simplified style.
