#seokjin crack



Time’s A Wastin’ - ksj

pairing : seokjin x fem! reader
genre/au : fluff, crack, established relationship au, christmas themed.
wc : 796 words
warnings: if being threatened with a rolling pin counts as one, then that.
rating : G
summary : Christmas week is supposed to be one of the jolliest times of the year. Not for you, though, no, you are having an awful time. Left alone with a messy kitchen and a boyfriend that refuses to shut up, you bring up the best efforts in making this Christmas a merry one.
a/n : This was written as a part of BCC x FI 12 Days of BTS event ❄ prompt: Wow imagine how jolly this Christmas would be if you got me a [present] ❄ thank you @playmetheclassics​ for the title, you’re a genius! 
I do not have any energy left to proof-read or edit this piece so here it is! Hope you enjoy! <3

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The dialogue!!! Gosh, I adored the couple’s soft bickering. This made me smile and giggle.

“White gold and diamonds, Y/N!” Seokjin flails his arms to garner your attention, clearly indignant at your apathy. “White gold and diamonds!”
“And hideous! Pretentious and overpriced, if you are looking for more words to add to its description!”

Hehe this was great. I thought this was a lovely comeback. I will use this format in future conversations because it’s just *chef kiss*. Love it haha.

Spoilers under the cut


Oh df;bkjsgfkd I gasped. I really did. I was like


That was genius. A genius reply.

You don’t miss the way his thumb brushes your fourth finger in the most subtle manner, the prospect of your assumed gift accelerating your heartbeat.

And this. THIS. I melted. I squealed. I fell in love with this duo.

Thank you for writing!
