#septiceye sam


Giving an eyeball expressions what emotions is difficult… but fun!


cecillustrates: “Sharing”Feeling kinda stressed with all the things to be done…so I decided to draw



Feeling kinda stressed with all the things to be done…so I decided to draw a hand study piece, and this came out.


It’s quite heavily influenced by the very talented @crap_panther , whose art is incredibly awesome.


Post link

It’s that time of the year again were I write one of these to remind old and new shoppers to be careful where and on what they spend their money on this holiday season.

Regardless of what you celebrate or don’t celebrate it’s always nice to give a gift to either yourself or someone you care about, but it’d be a huge bummer to later find out what you got them was actual bootleg or stolen art.

To start I always tell those that are interested in buying from an artist to go check out their social media and see where exactly do they sell their work. That is always the best way to make sure you get your art from the actual artist. Try to find a direct link as well. Most are in bios, pinned posts, or other posts were they promote their store/website. 

My Stores:


If you can’t find a direct link see if their DMs are open or send them an Ask/Tweet at them (delete once you get your answer though). Now if this artist’s store is closed or if they don’t sell to people that is not an invitation to look elsewhere for their work or to print it out yourself! Please respect the artist wishes/schedule and look for another gift option.

Try to avoid shopping for art on sites like Amazon, Wish, Ebay, and Aliexpress UNLESS the artist has specifically said that is where they sell. Most of the time these sites are riddled with stolen work and at a very cheap price so it can be hard to not to take that deal, but don’t. Artist’s, for the most part, are the little guy in this situation. We are having our work taken by bigger companies and given almost no power to fight back. Our art is not free to use or part of the public domain! 

Be careful when shopping on Etsy and Redbubble as well. Stolen works can also be found there too. Once again try to find a direct link to the artist store and if you can’t Google their name or search for one of the items they do sell. Just make sure to triple check that the person whose store you are looking at if the artist and not someone just selling their art.

I know it can be hard because sometimes you just see something online you want and don’t put too much thought into whether the listing for it on Amazon is stolen or not, but all I can ask if that people try. Tell friends and families about where they can find artists you like and their stores. Report any stolen listings you find and possibly contact the artist if possible about them. We artist want to keep making fun and creative works for you all to enjoy whether you buy them or not, but we can’t keep giving while our art is stolen and sold for so little by a complete stranger. We need your help too! 

If you have bought or received bootleg/stolen art in the past you don’t need to feel guilty. It’s okay that you didn’t know at the time or whoever got you the gift didn’t know. That’s in the past, but right now you can change for the better. Show the artist you love the upmost respect by becoming a safer shopper this holiday season or informing others about the does and don’ts of shopping for art.

For those possibly reading this and thinking that this isn’t a huge issue and that losing out on just a little bit of money couldn’t hurt…it does and it is.

Over the course of just this year I have had to report over 100 stolen listings on just Amazon alone. I have also had to continually look out for stolen works on Etsy, Redbubble, Wish, and Mercari. I have had counter claims sent to me I’ve had to fight, all the while being in student debt. I’m unable to even report the stolen works I’ve found on Ebay and Aliexpress because those sites have made it nearly impossible for a single artist like myself to file a report. This is and has always been a problem and it’s not one artists should just get used to.

I hope this PSA helps some people learn how to shop better this holiday season and reflects the struggle artists sometimes have to go through. 

DMCA Takedown Forms for Amazon and Wish (for any artists):



Examples of my Art Being Stolen (Currently Up):
