
I was sitting by the water’s edge watching a cormorant gobble up fish after fish. Out of nowhere, th

I was sitting by the water’s edge watching a cormorant gobble up fish after fish. Out of nowhere, this little snowy egret flew in and landed not five feet from me. I snapped a few quick photos then put my camera down to just watch them. It’s really neat how they shuffle their feet to stir up prey items. They caught a couple tiny fish, and then I quietly snuck away and left them to their morning hunting. #momentofzen #snowyegret #egrettathula #sepulvedabasin #sepulvedabasinwildlifereserve #sepulvedawildlifereserve

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Now, I’m not saying that it’s this Loggerhead Shrike’s fault that the paramedics w

Now, I’m not saying that it’s this Loggerhead Shrike’s fault that the paramedics were called out… but I’m not going to rule it out, either. #Shrike #LoggerheadShrike #laniusludovicianus #sepulvedabasin #sepulvrdawildlifereserve

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