#series in my mind theres no sorrow




pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader

summary: at his hiding place, eddie “the banished” receives some bad news about the person he cares the most about, and because of that, he reminisces.

word count:1.3k

warnings: fluff and angst. he was an electric guitar boy, she was an acoustic guitar girl, can i make it any more obvious?

series masterlist

It was the third time they’d almost scared him to death.

The first was when they found him, hiding at Reefer Rick’s boathouse, clinging to a piece of broken glass to dear life, like a cornered paladin clung to their sword - but with none of the honor, righteousness and lawful good bullshit, only a wanted man trying to make it through the night. The second was when they brought him supplies, and he was still too on edge to not be suspicious of anything that got too close.

This time, Eddie wasn’t expecting anybody, which made him even more worried. They were not supposed to be there that day.

He sat back as he watched Dustin make his way into the living room, followed by a distraught looking Robin Buckley and an equally upset Steve Harrington. They were all quiet, too quiet, and that could only mean bad news. More bad news.

“Please, don’t tell me I’m being charged for another uncanny murder case.” Making light of a bad situation had always been one of his strong points, but none of his jokes seemed to land right now that his life has turned upside down.

“No, no! There haven’t been any other uncanny murders, but, uh…” Dustin started, “we kind of need your help now.”

“You’re friends with Y/N, aren’t you?” This time, Robin was the one to speak. “Senior, works at the record store downtown… Your friends told us you’re kind of close.”

Kind of close. He thought. That’s one way to put it.

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I love everything about this story. I mean, I loved everything about the preview you gave us, but now that I see what you’re doing with the story with the flashbacks to show us how Eddie knows her favorite song…

…I love it so much more. I can’t wait for more!


' | masterlist

pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader

summary: an unlikely friendship blooms into something more at the only record store in the town of hawkins, indiana

or the five times eddie munson made fun of your music taste and the one time he was grateful for it.

warnings: friends to lovers, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending, too many music references, canon compliant but the timeline diverges a little bit, each part will have their own individual warnings

— updates everyday!

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I can’t wait!
