#series worlds apart




This series will be updated every few days. If you’d like to be added to my Eddie taglist, let me know. I hope you enjoy it! - Love, Kiki

|  Eddie Munson x female reader

| THEN. You’re the only survivor among the Mind Flayer’s victims, thanks to your friends - but after the Battle of Starcourt, you find yourself adrift in a sea of nightmares. Until an encounter in the woods with Eddie The Freak Munson offers an unexpected life line and turns your world upside down.
NOW. Four months have passed since the winter night you walked out of Eddie’s trailer and his life for good. But when the mysterious headaches and nightmares return full-force and something wicked stirs in sleepy Hawkins, starting a witch hunt against Eddie, you realize that there are two things in this world that might be more persistent than you’d thought: Evil…and love.
The story will be told in two timelines: the past (after the Battle of Starcourt) and the present (during the events of season 4).

|angst with a happy ending, fluff, smut

|SMUT (in the later chapters, so you need to be 18+ to read this story!), angst with a happy ending, canon-typical violence 

|5.5 k

|mentions of attempted assault, Jason Carver, canon-typical violence


, !


[Monday, September 9th, 1985. THEN.]

“You look like shit,” Max stated as she climbed into the backseat of your car Monday morning, having already waited at the side of the road that led to the Forest Hills trailer park the Mayfields had moved to a month ago after Neil Hargrove had left in the wake of his son’s death.

“Why, good morning to you, too,” you quipped as you started the engine to get back on the road as Robin chimed up from the passenger seat, “That’s what I said, as well. How much sleep did you get?”

“Five hours,” you replied.

“That’s not bad.”

“Over the whole weekend,” you added. A glimpse at Max through the rear-view mirror told you the redhead probably hadn’t slept at all. The skin around her eyes was pale enough to see the blue pattern of veins underneath.

No matter how bad you’d been faring since Starcourt, since your friends had managed to burn the Mind Flayer out of your brains, Max had it worse. Your heart went out to her as she adjusted the headphones over her ears to drown out whatever thoughts and memories would haunt her as soon as she was alone with her mind.

It had been two months since Starcourt, and one month since the start of this odd carpool with talkative Robin and the new gloomy, silent version of Max. On the first day of the new school year, Robin and you had decided to pick the redhead up to spare her the bus ride and the additional moments of scrutiny and whispers that inadvertently followed her, now that she was the girl with the brother who’d died in the “mall fire”. Picking her up in the mornings had become an unspoken agreement, just as it had become with Robin.

It was weird how it had taken possession on your side and a fight against a monster made of molten people to befriend Robin Buckley, the girl who’d lived in the same street as you ever since you could remember. She was growing on you. And she was growing on Nancy, as well. Shared trauma, as it turned out, didn’t just make a great foundation for relationships, but friendships as well.

As you barrelled down the street with a roar of the old car’s engine, your gaze briefly flitted towards the trailer opposite the Mayfield’s, and your thoughts returned to the encounter in the woods Friday night.

To Eddie Munson, who wasn’t callous or scary or threatening at all, but…kind.

Keep reading

Once again, may I say that Jason is a piece of trash.

The rest of this chapter tho! Like, I know what happens bc I saw the season, but I still can’t wait how interpret it w/ these versions of the characters.

Loved the chapter!
