#seriously though this shit is important





I just want to say, if you’ve ever worked a low-level office job and thought ‘wow this is piss-easy’, that’s not a sign that the work you were doing is objectively easier than other types of work, it’s a sign that you were good at it.

by which I don’t mean 'stop de-valuing office work’ bcos that’s not a real problem, no-one is doing that, I just feel like a lot of young people aren’t aware that e.g. being able to type fast and accurately, open up a computer program you’ve never used before and figure it out unaided, are marketable skills, not things that 'everyone’ knows how to do.

I’ve worked in 'easy’ office jobs for 6 years now and believe me, some people are bad at them & do not find them easy.

@takethewatchYES! It’s not 'dont devalue office work,’ it’s 'dont devalue your own skills!’

yes this!! thank u!

In a job-hunting group I was in once, one woman talked about how, when the power had gone out, she and some other staff members carried all the vital paperwork and some chairs and tables down several flights of stairs to the sidewalk out front (where there was daylight to work by) and processed a bunch of clients’ needs, at least temporarily, and rescheduled appointments and stuff so that when the power came back up everything was still fairly organized and no clients were just turned away. And we all said “That’s the kind of thing you need to include in your resume.” And she said, “But anyone can do that; that’s not anything special.” And we’re all staring at her, going, “No, they can’t. Yes, it is.”

That thing you know you did/do really well? It’s probably special.
