#servant series


I Watched Servant and here are my thoughts

-This is the type of show where we have no idea what’s going on, he barely get any answers but we are still involved. Amazing.

-Its a well done slow burn to marathon when the season is over but may be frustrating to watch one episode per week

-How was advising Dorothy and Sean to have a realist babydoll would help them to deal with the guilt and grief? It wasn’t better to just send her to therapy or something? I dunno, the idea of having a doll to replace Jericho seems to be something who would do mor harm than good, especially to Dorothy.

-Leanne has major mommy issues. And I like how in s3,when she is all fine with the Turner’s and officially out of the cult, her behavior towards the Turner’s is the same of her towards the cult. Complete and blind devotion.

-I also think Leanne forgave Dorothy abuse behavior towards her earlier in s2 because she sees punish as something natural in life. Her mom punish her, the cult probably punish people and she punish herself by wiping herself, so I think she sees this type of violence as something natural. Something a mother would do and that’s just life. Physical, psycho and emotional punishment are natural to her.

-Leanne and Julian came out of nowhere, sorry. I also think she has more chemistry with Toby and Dorothy

-Speaking of it, I kinda of ship Leanne and Dorothy.

-The acting in the show is amazing. The cinematography delivers. And it’s so nice the fact that 90% of the show happens in one house and yet they manage to not make it boring.

-I have no idea where Leanne powers came of, if she is 100% human or not. I hope they answer this in the next and final season.
