#seungsik soft


Victon’s Seungsik

Word count: 800 words

Scenario:From anonymous: “Could you do lil scenario where Victon’s Seungsik takes care of you when you have chronic pain flare up (time where your pain gets even worse) xx ofc if it’s ok”

Genre: Scenario, Fluff, Gender neutral

Little note: I really wish I could distribute gentle angel Seungsiks to anyone who might be in pain, ya know, like Oprah! You get a Seungsik, you get a Seungsik, you get a Seungsik! I can’t so please take this little scenario. ❤️


The past couple of days had been hell.

You’d guess you would have gotten used to it by now but that didn’t seem to be the case.

What had started off as an uncomfortable burn, quickly became pain which constricted your movements and controlled your mood, making you constantly moody and groan-ey, so tired you just wanted to lay in bed. Painkillers were your best friends during times like these, although you really did hate having to accept them as friends.

Going from the living room to the bedroom, you let your hand rest against the wall, using it as support as you walked, small steps as you felt that uncomfortable pain flare up again. It was probably time for more painkillers.

You hated these times the most. When your chronic pain flared up and you could barely function. Not that you didn’t force yourself to go about your day but functioning while in pain really was harder. As if just functioning in itself wasn’t hard enough already.

Just slowly walking towards the bedroom you felt ridiculous. You felt like an old person, bones cracking and muscles cranking and you didn’t even want to imagine what it would be like getting older. If you suddenly looked in the mirror and you had magically transformed into an old person, you wouldn’t even be surprised.

You weren’t sure if you wouldn’t have started grumbling under your breath if you didn’t suddenly hear soft steps approaching you. A gentle arm came to circle your waist while a hand took your own free hand to rest against its warm palm. Looking up, Seungsik was carefully holding you, guiding you to the bedroom as he’d seen your intent to go there, cautious and concerned eyes watching over your every step, making sure you didn’t trip.

“Are you going to lay down?” he asked, carefully leading you along.

The way he treated you like you were oh so delicate, taking your hand and gently leading you really did make your heart tremble. While it did have the potential to make you feel even more pathetic, you always remembered how he’d told you he felt really bad for you and wanted to help you as much he could during these times. So instead, it made you see how truly reliable he was.

“Yeah,” you breathed out, along with a little chuckle.

He walked with you over to the bed and you climbed onto it, attempting to suppress as much groaning as you could, still holding his hand as support and with his other hand always hovering around you, ready to help you. Dear Seungsik even fixed the pillow for you before you sat back.

“You really are an angel,” you told him, giving his hand a little squeeze.

You watched his lips curve into a grin, one of those that turned his eyes into tiny half moons and made that precious little dimple appear under his lip, right there at that very corner. He chuckled too. Wasn’t he just delightful?

“Do you need anything?” he asked, dropping his free hand upon his other one, encasing your own hand between his warm palms.

Letting out a pensive hum, you peeked at the clock and he followed your gaze.

“It’s time for your painkillers isn’t it? I’ll go get them for you,” he said, without missing a beat.

You didn’t even have to say anything because he already knew what you needed. If anything, you should really feel spoiled, being able to lay back like that while he took care of you.

You reached back, using that same hand that was still feeling the lingering warmth his touch had left, adjusting the pillow so you could slowly drop back, allowing your body to relax as much as you could. Ah, it really did hurt…

Seungsik took a few minutes to return with a glass of water, your painkillers and even some snacks. He gave you the water and meds before he circled the bed, grabbing the laptop on the way. You were swallowing down those nasty tablets when he climbed onto bed and got comfortable next to you.

“Wanna watch a movie?” he asked, already turning on the laptop.

You responded with an affirmative nod and hum.

Gently and patiently, he moved when he saw you were trying to get comfortable up against him, hands on your shoulders as he helped you lay down, slipping then his arm under your head and around your shoulders for you to use as a pillow. You had to search for the movie as he only had one available hand now, 

With the laptop resting on his stomach, you two laid there peacefully, watching a happy movie to distract you of your pain. 

Although, truth be said, just his presence and gentleness would probably do the trick.

Masterlist guide
