#seven sages

There is a passage in the Bhagavad Gita that has Krishna tell all the efforts he’s made to help mankind grow in knowledge. He taught Vivaswat who taught Manu (Noah) and then through that line of training he led the Seven Sages which I’m convinced is a college of knowledge not seven people. We didn’t maintain the knowledge though and it was lost. He also confirms that he has always been here as Vishnu and he is the master of his Maya (stardust you might say). He says that when man becomes weak, as it had at the start of the Mahabharata, he makes himself a body and returns to the world to “to deliver the holy, To destroy the sin of the sinner, To establish righteousness. He tries in each age to teach the path to man since all paths lead to him.
When walking the path men you understand the nature of Vishnu will never become slaves to the fallacy of action and sense. "He who sees the inaction that is in action, and the action that is in inaction, is wise indeed.” He will be in touch with his Atman and he knows that doing and being is enough. He is contented with the acts of the world as the hand of God. True knowledge of the Atman and Vishnu leads to Brahman in all things and shows that the act of living is a right thing. You follow one of the many paths to God and once you know your path, your relationship with your soul and its relation to the universe you are free. “The fire of knowledge turns all karmas to ash.”