#seven seize the means of production



United Workers of Seven Seas update 5/31/22


If you haven’t heard, our union twitter announced some disappointing news this morning:

[Screenshot of post from United Workers of Seven Seas Twitter account: “Our employer, Seven Seas Entertainment (@gomanga) has hired the union-busting firm Ogletree Deakins.”]

It was disheartening enough to know that they’d opted not to voluntarily recognize us, but learning who had been hired to represent Seven Seas was, let’s say, the start of a bad weekend.

[Screenshot of post from United Workers of Seven Seas Twitter account: “It’s embarrassing that @gomanga would rather pay Joe Arpaio’s fave legal firm than recognize our union. There’s still time for leadership to reverse course and work w/ us in good faith to negotiate a contract for fair wages, industry-standard benefits, and freelancer protections.”]

In short, we wish a number of different choices had been made, but we will continue to hope that upper management chooses a new strategy in better faith.

In the meantime, please continue to support UW7S and other unions as we push for worker’s rights and strive to save our ship. We do this work for the books and we do it for readers, and we’d like to be able to do it for as long as possible.

United Workers of Seven Seas update 5/31/22


If you haven’t heard, our union twitter announced some disappointing news this morning:

[Screenshot of post from United Workers of Seven Seas Twitter account: “Our employer, Seven Seas Entertainment (@gomanga) has hired the union-busting firm Ogletree Deakins.”]

It was disheartening enough to know that they’d opted not to voluntarily recognize us, but learning who had been hired to represent Seven Seas was, let’s say, the start of a bad weekend.

[Screenshot of post from United Workers of Seven Seas Twitter account: “It’s embarrassing that @gomanga would rather pay Joe Arpaio’s fave legal firm than recognize our union. There’s still time for leadership to reverse course and work w/ us in good faith to negotiate a contract for fair wages, industry-standard benefits, and freelancer protections.”]

In short, we wish a number of different choices had been made, but we will continue to hope that upper management chooses a new strategy in better faith.

In the meantime, please continue to support UW7S and other unions as we push for worker’s rights and strive to save our ship. We do this work for the books and we do it for readers, and we’d like to be able to do it for as long as possible.
